Obligation (Chapter 3 of 3)

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After sitting me on the desk, Micha moved the computer to the side. The rest of the space was huge and empty. Just a polished wooden surface.

Micha bent toward me and his warm palms slid up my thighs, pushing my dress up until my pink cotton panties showed. My face heated, and I covered it with my hands. "I wasn't planning for anyone to see my undies."

"I like that. And I like these." His rough voice made me think he was telling the truth, but I was still too embarrassed to lower my hands.

He brushed his thumb over the wet material. I shivered, and he inhaled through his teeth. "Stop hiding and kiss me, Gwen."

I dropped my arms to my sides and his mouth was instantly on mine. His fingers moved over me, lowering the top of my dress and the straps of my bra, exposing my breasts as his head dipped to lick and suck the sensitive peaks.

I whimpered and untucked his shirt, rushing through the buttons so I could get my hands on his skin. I bit my lower lip and felt his hard chest and lean six-pack underneath. "We shouldn't get completely undressed in case someone shows up."

"I'll do anything you want." He looked up at me with a needy gaze.

I leaned forward, and he watched as I kissed down his chest, my hands moving to his waist. Reaching the top of his happy trail, I undid his belt and slacks and let them fall to the floor. Micha groaned as I stroked his hard length over his thin boxer briefs. He was much bigger than I'd expected with his lean build—long and thick.

"I want a lot of things, but I'm afraid to be in here too long."

Studying my face, he whispered, "You're so beautiful."

My hands moved over his strong shoulders as he kissed my neck. "So are you." I panted as his kisses moved back to my breasts. "Fuck me, Micha."

"Get the condom." He grabbed my purse from the floor and passed it to me. As I dug through for protection, he dropped his underwear, letting his cock spring free.

I held the condom packet in my hand and leaned forward to circle the head of his dick with my tongue before sucking it in my mouth. He moaned and fisted my hair as I sucked deeper, loving the way his breath caught in his throat.

"Fuck, that's good, Gwen." He took a shuddering breath. "But I thought we had to hurry. If you're doing this, I should get to taste you."

I popped my mouth off of him. "You're right. There's not enough time."

He groaned. "Mean woman." He nipped at my lips and then kissed me.

Tearing the packet open, I rolled the condom down his shaft. "Maybe we can see each other again?"

"Fuck yes. Let me take you out." He kissed me and pulled me to stand in front of the desk. I shivered with anticipation as his large hands squeezed my ass.

"Let's see how this goes first." Surprising myself, I giggled.

His eyes widened, and a smirk curved his lips. "Challenge accepted."

He spun me around and cupped my breasts as he kissed my neck. "Bend over, Gwen." He pressed against my back, leaning me on the desk, and pulled my panties down.

He bent to unhook them from one foot, leaving them wrapped around the other ankle as he moved my legs apart, spreading me wide for him. He left a path of open-mouthed kisses up the back of my leg.

My heart raced as he leaned over my back and reached between my legs to rub my clit. "You're so wet." He pressed a finger inside. "Mmm. And tight." Pumping slowly, he said, "Are you ready for me?"

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