It's Only Fair (1 of 5)

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"I'm so sorry I can't be there for you." Kamerice sighed through the phone. "If I'd known things were going to be finalized tomorrow when they sent me on this damn trip, I'd have refused."

"Don't worry about it." I wished my voice hadn't cracked. I really wasn't trying to make my best friend feel guilty. She couldn't help where her job took her.

"Nothing is going to make this any better. If he gets Noodle, I'm going to have a breakdown." Tears filled my eyes, and I looked up to keep them from falling. Once I started, it was hard to stop.

"That asshole doesn't even like the damn cat. He's only keeping him to hurt you."

I lost the fight against my tears and dabbed them from my cheeks with a tissue. "I know. Ruth is trying her best. She's a great lawyer, but Trevor's is way too good. He's been ahead of us with everything." I lifted his card from the stack of papers his office sent. "Benedict D. Brewer II." I scoffed. "Is he serious with that name? How pretentious can you be?"

"I'm so sorry, babe. I wish Benedict was worse at his job."

"Me too." I sniffed. "This'll be the first time I've seen Trevor in person since he asked for a divorce." Blowing out a slow breath, I worked to keep my voice steady. "Do you think he'll bring Jackie with him?"

"I really hope not, but you know they're both trash, so maybe." The sound of her sipping her wine came through the speaker. "That makes me wish I could be there even more. I'd like to tear that bitch a new one. What kind of person can smile at a woman, knowing damn good and well she's fucking her husband?"

Even after all these months, the thought still twisted my stomach. I should've known. It'd been so long since Trevor showed me any interest. I'd stupidly thought it was because we were in a rut, and he traveled so much with work. Of course, a lot of that turned out to be vacations with his secretary.

It didn't matter. Apparently, he'd been cheating from almost the beginning of our three-year marriage. Jackie was just the twenty-two-year-old he'd decided to replace me with.

The worst part was, I didn't even really care. The lies hurt more than losing Trevor. If it wasn't for Noodles, this divorce would've already been final. But there was no way I'd let him keep my cat.

I put the phone on speaker and set it on the vanity. Grabbing my makeup remover, I swiped my running mascara and everything else away. The cool liquid felt nice against my skin. It was calming.

"Can you believe I stayed faithful to that son of a bitch? The entire time, no matter how cold or indifferent he was toward me, I never even considered cheating."

"Maybe you should've. You might feel better about things now." Kamerice cackled. "I'm joking. You're too good for that. You would've felt terrible."

"Yeah, well, not anymore." I tossed the cotton into the wastebasket and grimaced at myself in the mirror. "Now, I wish I had cheated. Think of all the money I could've saved on batteries if I had someone on the side." I giggled. "Plus, I might feel a little less pathetic sitting across the table from the two of them tomorrow."

"Libby! You still have tonight."

"For what?"

"You're not divorced yet. Go out! Have some fun. It's still technically cheating. It's your turn to even things out a bit."

I rolled my eyes. "What? I'm going to just go out and find someone to sleep with?"

"Yes! A one-night stand. It's only fair." The excitement in her voice made me think.

I hadn't slept with anyone but Trevor in almost four years. Knowing I'd been with someone else when I faced him tomorrow sure would feel better than how pitiful I felt now. Not to mention, it'd been a long time since I'd felt a man's hands on my skin. The idea was tempting.

I studied myself in the mirror. Thirty-six, almost divorced, and childless, with no prospects. Maybe I'd never have a family of my own. I shook my head. That was the wrong attitude.

What would a random man at some bar see? I might be nearing forty, but I still looked damn good—spin class four times a week and never skimping on skincare saw to that. I could find someone new if I wanted to.

I sighed. For the first time, renting a place an hour from the city for my big fresh start was a bad idea. "It's a fun thought. But I have to meet Ruth at the courthouse at eight in the morning. If I drive to the city now to hang out at a bar, I'll be out all night. I refuse to show up looking puffy-eyed and old in front of Trevor and Jackie."

"Stay at my place! You have a key and there are high-end bars within walking distance. You'll be close to the courthouse in the morning, too. Do it!"

"You want me to use your house for sex?"

"Yes! What are friends for? Just keep it in the guest room please, and feel free to wash the sheets."

Her excitement was contagious. Before I knew it, I was pulling an overnight bag from the closet. "What should I wear?"

She squealed. "That's my girl! Wear that little black one with the sparkles. Oh! And tomorrow wear that low cut green dress that makes your eyes bright. Show that asshole what he's losing."

"Thanks, Kamerice. I'm going to do it!"

"Good! Don't forget the pet carrier, too. When they give you Noodles, you'll need something to carry him home."

"You're confident." My heart sank at the thought of never seeing my sweet tabby again.

I'd found him when he was just a baby before I even met Trevor. If he'd seen the tiny kitten eating lo mein beside a dumpster, he wouldn't have even paused, and he definitely wouldn't have wanted me to bring him home.

Why was he doing this? It could only be spite. At what point did his indifference toward me become hate? Why didn't I notice?

Oh well, one more day and it would be over. I didn't care about the house, he could have it. It was a rental anyway. Thank sweet baby Jesus we'd kept separate checking accounts. At least that part of this was easy.

"Libby, you're due for a break after all the bull shit he's done. If karma doesn't see fit to give you your cat, I'll steal the damn thing."

"Steal my cat?"

"Damn right. The first time they leave the house, I'll cat burgle the place."

My head fell back with a laugh. "I don't think you're using that correctly."

She huffed. "I'm going to steal a damn cat. Tell me that's not cat burgling." Her giggle made me laugh harder.

"You're the best. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"I know. Now, go get pretty and get you some strange. Don't overthink it! Call me in the morning."

"You know I will!"

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