The Babysitter and the Daddy (2 of 4)

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Levi's POV

She stood on nervous legs and dropped her pants like the horny little slut she wanted to be—gorgeous. Left only in tiny black satin panties, she crawled back onto my lap. I wanted her naked, but if she was more comfortable with the panties, I'd let her keep them for now.

I ran my hand up her soft skin to her chest. Sadie loved when I played with her tits. Her pretty face went slack with pleasure, and those puffy lips parted, making me want to fuck her mouth.

But if it really was her first time, I didn't want to scare her off with my size. Even some of the real sluts I dated in college were nervous at first. Sadie was sweet, innocent. So, I'd go slow.

Divorcing that cheating bitch Sherry would be the best thing I'd done for myself in years. Especially now that I knew Sadie wanted me too. Young, beautiful, smart, loving toward my son. She was everything I needed.

After tonight, she'd never want anyone else. I'd make sure I was everything she needed too.

I resumed rubbing and pinching one rosy nipple while the fingers of my other hand slipped under the elastic of her panties. Her breaths became quick little pants as she tensed and her small hands dug into my shoulders.

"You're soaked." My dick strained against my jeans as my fingertips slid through her folds, coating them in wet heat.

I massaged her clit, and it was only a few seconds before her hips moved in time with my caresses. "So responsive. That's a good girl." I pinched the tight bundle of nerves. "Are you my little slut?"

She whimpered. "Yes, Daddy."

I'd never been into the whole daddy thing, but I liked how it sounded coming from her mouth, and knowing she wanted me to take charge was enough to make my dick throb. She pushed hard against my fingers, showing me she liked things a little rough and dirty. Every pinch and nasty word made her pussy weep.

As I pressed my finger inside her slick core, she tugged my hair, and cried out. Jesus Christ, she was tight. It'd take some work to get my dick in her, but I was in no hurry.

She nuzzled her face against mine as she rode my fingers, and her scent—vanilla and sex—enveloped me. Sadie was one dirty little virgin, and she was mine.

She let out a high-pitched sound that made my dick twitch, but I didn't want us to be interrupted. "Shhh, don't wake Nicky."

My voice in her ear had her hips moving faster as I pumped in and out. "You're so fucking tight, Sadie. Watch this." I waited until she looked down to press a second finger inside, making her quiver and moan.

"You need to be fucked. Don't you, baby girl?"

"Umm hmm."

"Say it."

She moaned again and lightly pulled my hair. "I need you to fuck me, Daddy."

"I love that dirty mouth." My dick ached to be inside her, but she wasn't ready for that.

Her back arched, and she pushed her hair away from her flushed face, shoving her perfect tits in mine. They bounced with the force of my fingers thrusting in and out of her.

"You're beautiful." I sucked her tit and pumped harder, shaking her entire body as I pressed her clit with my thumb.

Her core pulsed seconds later, and she whimpered, so close to coming. "Have you ever come before?"

"Only once." She panted.

The thought of some young idiot touching her pissed me off, but it didn't matter. Sadie wouldn't remember anyone else after tonight. "Did some boy make you come like this?"

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