It's Only Fair (3 of 5)

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Dean opened the passenger door on his silver sports car for me and shut it softly once I was seated. As he slid into the driver's seat, he started the engine and rested his palm on my knee. "Which way, beautiful?"

I hooked my arm around his and directed him to Kamerice's house. On the very short drive, music played softly in the background as his touch became more bold. I welcomed every advance while trying to keep my heart rate under control. His warm hand now rested high on my thighs as his thumb moved in slow, confident strokes over my skin.

A desire I hadn't felt in years washed through me. This wasn't out of obligation, or the bare minimum to scratch an itch. This was a pure, all-consuming need for the man beside me. Need to feel the weight of him on top of me. To have him under me. Touching me. Filling me.

My pulse pounded as heat spread between my legs and we pulled into the driveway. Dean shut the car off and turned, cupping my cheek and pulling me closer. His mouth brushed over mine, teasing. I gripped his collar, sliding the tip of my tongue over the seam of his lips.

He opened, letting me in and then taking control. His fingers slid into my hair, holding me there as his tongue claimed my mouth and I whimpered at the possibility of that skilled motion some place else.

His kisses moved to my neck. "You are so fucking sexy, Libby."

"You're not so bad yourself." I grinned as I wove my fingers into the waves at his nape and tilted my head, encouraging his explorations.

Pulling back, he held my face between his hands and studied my eyes. "I want you to know this wasn't my plan for the night."

My brow furrowed, and he rushed to explain. "This isn't something I usually do."

"Me neither." I giggled as his mouth moved to my ear, tickling me with his kisses. "Let's go in."

Seconds later, I was exiting the car, and Dean was already there, waiting for me as I stood. His arm went around my waist, pulling me against his rock hard body. His mouth crashed into mine as my fingers dug into the soft material covering the ridges and dips of his muscular torso.

He pressed me back against the car, his tongue still twisting with mine as one hand moved to my ass and the other curved around the back of my neck. I arched away from the car, pressing myself into his rigid length and moaning when I found him more than ready.

He pulled back with a gasp as I slipped my hand lower, stroking his thick cock all the way down until I gave his balls a light squeeze. He groaned and pressed his forehead to mine. "God damn, Libby. You're exactly what I need. How did I get so lucky?"

I smiled as his words sent a shiver up my spine. Being wanted, needed, was something I'd missed. I hadn't realized how much until this gorgeous man trembled in the palm of my hand. "Believe me. I need you too."

Dean's fingertip traced my collarbone, then followed the neckline of my low cut dress until he reached the lace of my sheer bra. His touch combined with the sexy smirk that curved his full lips sent a fresh wave of heat between my legs.

"We should get inside, then. Because what I want to do to you isn't really appropriate for the neighbors." His deep voice in my ear made me giggle like a teenager.

Taking his hand, I led us to the house. Once inside, I locked the door as Dean wrapped one arm around me from behind, holding my back against his chest. Moving my hair to one side, he left a trail of kisses down my neck as his other hand slid up my thigh, lifting my dress, and stopping when he reached my panties.

"Are you sure, Libby?" His heart thrummed against my back and his soft breaths fanned over my shoulder.

"Yes." My voice was barely a sound. Taking his fingers, I moved his hand under the lace covering me, and couldn't help but shiver when he rubbed gently over my slit. "Don't stop."

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