It's Only Fair (5 of 5)

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After a nap and a shower, I was on my way to the courthouse. The phone rang through the car's speakers as I waited for Kamerice to answer.

"Good morning!" she sang. "But how good? You tell me."

"Pretty damn good!" I giggled.

"Tell me everything, quick." She lowered her voice. "I slipped out of a meeting for this."

"I met this guy, and oh my gosh! He's hot and funny, and the sex was, I don't even know how to say it..." I sighed at the memory of his strong hands and deep voice.

Kamerice laughed. "Then I'm going to need you to think about it because I need all the details. What's lover boy's name? Are you seeing him again?"

"Dean." Even his name sent a thrill through me. "I'd like to, but I don't know. We exchanged numbers, and he said he'll call, but he rushed out for work early this morning."

My friend scoffed. "Girl, I'm hearing he has a job. The sex was better than good, and he said he'd call. For now, just ride the high."

"You're right." I pulled into a parking spot beside the courthouse. "I have to go finish things with Trevor now. Hopefully, this'll be fast and he'll just give me my damn cat. That's all I want."

"My fingers are crossed. But if he doesn't, I wasn't joking about stealing Noodles for you, so don't get too upset if that ass-hat doesn't do the right thing."

"Thanks." I took a deep breath and held it as I tried to keep my emotions in check. "I'll text you later."

"Chin up. Love you."

"Love you too."

I left the car and spotted Ruth crossing the parking lot. I waved at my lawyer and waited for her to catch up. She gave me a tight smile and a nod. "Are you ready?"

My stomach twisted. "As I'll ever be, I suppose."

"Good. You need to brace yourself and assume he'll have the new woman with him. Getting emotional in there won't do you any favors."

"I know." The image of the two of them together filled my mind and surprisingly the main thing I felt was annoyed. I shoved that picture away and thought of Dean trembling as I stroked him, and the way his lips felt on my neck. His hard body. The way he'd groaned and called me a gorgeous fucking angel as I sucked his rock-hard cock.

"Are you listening, Libby?" Ruth asked.

"No, I'm sorry." I shook my head. "Lost in thoughts."

"Understandable." She patted my shoulder as we entered the building. The sound of our heels tapping on the floor and some voices muttering in the distance were the only sounds as I followed her to the office we were meeting in.

A large wooden table with eight chairs filled the space, and three people filled the chairs—Trevor, Jackie, and the gruff older gentleman who would be our moderator. Ruth and I moved to the seats facing my soon-to-be ex and the blonde who'd draped herself over his arm and I did my best not to roll my eyes.

Kamerice had been right. The nerves and embarrassment I'd expected to feel weren't there. I sat tall in my chair, slipping my purse beside me, and nodded in response to Trevor's snide greeting.

Ruth spoke to the moderator, Mr. Bellingham. "Almost everything has already been decided. I expect this to go quickly."

"I'm here for as long as I'm needed." He smiled, and I decided he wasn't as gruff as I'd originally thought. He looked like a sweet old grandpa.

"Will Mr. Brewer be joining us today?" Ruth asked Trevor.

"He stepped out to grab a coffee." Trevor checked his watch. "We're running early."

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