Worth the Wait (2 of 2)

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Javi's arm rested over my shoulders, holding me close to his side, as we strolled down the sidewalk toward his apartment building, chatting. He lived in the middle of a nice part of town, a ten-minute walk from the bar.

Our conversation flowed easily—I had the alcohol to thank for that. Without it, nerves would've had me awkward as hell in the face of all his hotness. Not to mention the memories of him treating me like I was the only girl who mattered.

Javi gave me all of his attention, even when I was too shy to be near him without giggling. The first time he'd swaggered up to me in the lunchroom, asking if he could sit, my heart raced so fast I worried it would explode.

From that day on, he was there—studying beside me, making me laugh, trying to teach me to salsa dance (even though I was too nervous with his hands on my hips to have any kind of rhythm).

Since then, he was the guy I compared all other guys to, and no one had ever treated me so well or made me feel as important to them.

A flutter had filled my tummy from the second he invited me to his place. With his fingers tracing patterns on my arm as we walked, it was possible my body would be covered in goosebumps by the time we arrived.

I had to remind myself I wasn't that anxious young virgin anymore. I was a grown-ass woman.

"That's my building, right up there." His deep voice sent a shiver up my spine as he pointed to a well lit building with a covered entrance.


He chuckled. "Convenient too. Work is a five-minute walk in the other direction."

"Oh my gosh, that's amazing. I can't imagine getting to work without fighting through forty minutes of traffic first."

My cell chimed from my purse, alerting me to a text. I dug through with one hand to find it and check the message.

Ava: Where are you?

Ava: You didn't let that jerk talk you into another chance, did you?

"Shit." I forgot Ava! With an internal grin, I decided she wouldn't hold it against me when she heard what I was doing. "I forgot my friend was expecting me." I typed a reply as we walked.

Me: Nope. I ran into a friend from high school and I'm headed back to his place. I'll catch you up in the morning.

Her reply was instant.

Ava: Take copious notes. :)

I wouldn't need to. There was no way I'd forget a second of this night. I'd dreamed of seeing Javi again and getting to do all the things I wasn't ready for in high school. This was my chance.

"Are you okay with canceling on her?" His fingers brushed over my hair, and even that innocent touch sent tingles directly to my core. "We can get together anytime if this'll cause a problem for you."

"No, she definitely won't mind." She was probably cheering for me, but I wouldn't tell him that.

I glanced up, meeting his gaze as we turned and the lights from his building reflected in his eyes, making him look even more handsome. I sighed and leaned my temple against his shoulder. "Honestly, I'm not sure I'd care right now if it made her mad. I'm a terrible friend."

His lips curved up on one side as he dipped his head and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "I'm glad we ran into each other, Layla."

"Me too." He opened the door for me, and as we crossed the lobby, Javi's hand shifted to my lower back, guiding me into the waiting elevator.

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