The Babysitter and the Daddy (1 of 4)

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Sadie's POV

I pulled into the darkened driveway and put the car in park. I was ten minutes early, so I leaned back to let Tatum finish her rant.

"If he thinks I'm going to let him take me out again after he got drunk and screamed at the stupid television with his friends the last time, he's crazy."

I grinned. "Well, maybe next time don't agree to go to a sports bar with them."

"Damn right. If he gets to take me out again, it's going to cost him." Tatum giggled. "Or maybe we'll just stay in and I'll let him make it up to me with his tongue."

"I swear, I've never met a girl that thinks with her downstairs as much as you."

"Yes, you have. I'm just honest about it."

The sound of a lighter flicking into flame came through the phone and I groaned. "You better not be making our room smell like weed."

"Relax. The window is open. You should come smoke with me."

"I'm working."

"All you do is hang out with little kids and study."

"I babysit, and we're in college. You should study too."

"Whatever." She blew out a slow breath. "You're never going to pop your cherry that way."

My face warmed. "Who said I'm trying to?"

"Bitch, please. You're twenty years old, and in your third year here. What the hell are you waiting for?"

"I don't know." I looked up at the far end of the house where a light came on. Mr. Aldridge walked by shirtless, and I realized it was their bedroom. He was getting dressed. Covering those abs was a crime. I imagined what it would be like to run my fingers over those ridges and sighed.

"What was that? Did I just hear you swoon?"

I averted my gaze as though she could see me, and lied, "No. I was just breathing."

"Uh, huh. Are you sitting for that fuckable dad again?"

I rubbed my face and reminded myself not to tell her things in the future. "I'm sitting for him and his wife." Glancing around, I didn't see her car, though. "That is, if she comes home this time."

"What do you mean?" She spoke through a held breath—wouldn't want to exhale before she had to.

"She's always working late. Last time I heard them argue about it. Mr. Aldridge thinks she's cheating with her boss, but that was like a month ago, so I guess they worked it out."

"Weren't you there last week?"

"Yeah, but that was so he could go to a work event. She wasn't here."

"If she's never around, I bet he's horny. You should get some of that."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to work."

After hanging up, I locked my doors and strode to the house. As I got closer, I heard Nicholas crying. I rang the doorbell, and Mr. Aldridge answered with his phone to his ear. He was clearly pissed, but his face softened when he saw me.

"Can you get him, please?" He waved toward Nicky's room, and I nodded.

After babysitting in this home for over a year, I was totally comfortable there. I tossed my purse on the table and went down the hall. Nicky stood in his crib and smiled through his tears when he saw me.

"Hi, baby boy! How's my sweetheart?" I held my hands out, and he bounced, waiting to be picked up.

He stopped crying and snuggled into my neck as I rubbed his back and took a deep breath of his sweet smell. After changing his diaper, I skipped down the hall to the kitchen, carrying him on my hip. He was bouncing and squealing with happiness when he spotted his dad.

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