The Babysitter and the Daddy (4 of 4)

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Levi's POV

Seeing the fading pink handprints I'd already left on Sadie's ass made my cock twitch, but when I finally got to fuck her, I wanted it to be good for both of us. I didn't want her first time to be more painful than it had to be.

Even if she liked things a bit rough, this perfect woman deserved to be worshiped, and I'd do anything I could to show her that. This was only the beginning for us.

But for now, my dirty little slut wanted to be spanked. First, I squeezed, digging my fingers into her firm cheeks. One day soon, I'll hold her here while she rides me. The thought caused a deep sound in my throat that Sadie seemed to like as she trembled with anticipation.

The build up was one of the most fun parts of sex, and we had no reason to rush. I shook my hands, enjoying the way her ass cheeks moved. Candlelight flickered behind me, making her wet core glisten. I ran my finger over her sex and she tilted even more, offering herself to me.

Standing back, I rubbed one palm over her ass before pulling my hand back and slapping her with some force. Her body jerked and a muffled cry reached my ears. "Good girl. Stay quiet."

"Yes, Daddy." Soft panting reached my ears.

She wiggled, wanting more. I slapped the other side, leaving identical handprints. "Umm. Beautiful."

She moaned and bucked her hips, making me smile. Kneeling behind her, I brushed my lips over the hot, reddened skin, then my tongue, kissing the places I'd hurt. Then I pulled her cheeks apart, giving me an unobstructed view. "You have the most beautiful pussy, sweetness."

Come dripped from her center, running down through her folds and she whimpered. "Please, Levi. Touch me."

I followed the thin river of come with my fingertip and twirled it around her clit before dipping my middle and ring fingers inside her. She pressed back against my hand and I kissed her ass, sucking the soft skin as I pumped my fingers in and out.

Without pausing, I added my pointer finger, and she tensed. "It's okay, sweetness. You'll adjust."

I kept a steady rhythm until she relaxed and pressed into my hand again, begging for more. Separating my fingers inside her, I curled them and twisted my hand, stretching her, making her moan and shake.

"Does that feel good?"

A steady stream of moans filled the pillow, but she didn't answer, so I slowed my movements. "Answer me or I'll stop."

Her head jerked up. "No, don't stop." She whimpered and swirled her hips. "Push harder."

My cock jumped and if she didn't come soon, my sexy girl was going to make me finish before I could fuck her. If she wanted harder, that was no problem. I stood and pounded her with my fingers, keeping the curling and twisting motions she obviously loved. Reaching around with the other hand, I rubbed and pinched her swollen clit, rolling it between my fingers.

It was a good thing I'd given her the pillow, or she'd wake Nicky. Hell, the neighbors would hear the screaming moans coming from my dirty girl. She really liked it hard and fast and I couldn't wait until it was my cock pulling those sounds from that beautiful mouth.

When her cunt tightened around my fingers, and her whole body shook, I kept pumping. As the shaking slowed, I dropped to my knees and buried my face in her as she finished coming. She bucked against me and I held her hips, pulling her to my mouth as I fucked her with my tongue and sucked her clit.

A minute later, she relaxed, and her moans became soft whimpers. When I let go of her, she collapsed onto her side, panting.

I climbed onto the mattress, pulling her up to the head of the bed and resting her on the pillows. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she yanked me down, kissing me and running her tongue over my mouth.

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