The Babysitter and the Daddy (3 of 4)

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Sadie's POV

I couldn't believe the words had come from me. It was true. I wanted to do everything with Levi, and I wanted it tonight, but to just say it like that—I shocked myself and apparently Levi too, judging by the way his breath shuddered.

"That's a very good girl. I love when you talk like a dirty little slut."

I bit my lower lip as his words and the feel of his fingertips brushing over my pussy made me tremble. Levi made me feel desirable, bold. His rough voice and rougher hands filled me with need, and I hoped my inexperience wasn't a turnoff.

I reached for the button on his pants. "May I?"

He smirked and stood. "Go ahead, sweetness."

His eyes followed my movements as I unzipped his jeans and yanked them to the floor. He kicked them aside, and I stared at the enormous bulge barely contained by his boxer briefs. My heart raced.

This was not what I'd expected. I might be a virgin, but I'd seen dicks before. Jerks loved to send unrequested pics. If they saw this, they'd keep those pictures to themselves.

I giggled at the thought and looked up at Levi. He smiled. "You alright?"

"Yeah. I want to see it all." I pulled the last bit of material away and my mouth fell open as he sprang free.

His cock was even bigger than the dildo Tatum stuck to her wall to hang her necklaces from.

It was long and most definitely thicker than anything I'd have imagined fitting inside me.

I'm not sure how long I stared before Levi turned and sat in the chair. He took a sip of the whiskey before holding the glass out to me. I finished it before handing it back. I had a buzz already, but a little more wouldn't hurt.

"Wrap your hand around me." His voice was firm, and I loved it. It made me want to please him, especially after what he'd already done for me, twice.

I knelt between his legs and ran my fingers over the satin skin of his hard cock. Veins bulged, and I traced them to the base before wrapping him in my fist. It barely reached all the way around. As I slid my hand up, a shiny bit of pre-cum waited at the tip. I ran my thumb over it and swirled it around his dark pink head.

He twitched as he inhaled and I looked up to find him watching me intently. "Am I doing this right?"

He smirked. "I don't think you could do it wrong."

Gripping him, I slid my fist slowly down. He smiled and curved his hand over mine. Up and down, he showed me how to work him.

My heart raced. "I want to suck you now."

"Alright, but no hands." Droplets of come streamed from his tip. "I want to see what that pretty mouth can do all on its own."

Leaning up, I rested my palms on his stomach and he placed his over mine, pressing them into the ridges of his abs. I lowered my mouth to him, only sucking the tip, tasting him. His hands tightened on mine.

Releasing him, I tilted my head to the side and licked and sucked my way slowly to the base, feeling him with my lips. Once there, I moved my tongue back and forth the way he'd done on my clit before tilting my head the other way and licking and sucking my way back to the top.

"Good girl, Sadie." He groaned, and I looked up to find him watching with shallow breaths. Swirling my tongue around the swollen head, I licked up the shiny come and wondered how much there would be when he orgasmed.

"That feels fantastic." His hips twitched and one hand moved to twist into my hair. "Now, suck me, sweetness. Deep. I want to see you gag on me."

My pussy throbbed. Everything he said made me want him more. I opened my mouth and slid over him slowly. His hand guided me down with gentle pressure and a steady pace. When he reached the back of my throat, he paused, but didn't release me.

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