It's Only Fair (4 of 5)

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He pressed my legs farther apart and smiled up at me. "My turn, beautiful."

His gaze stayed on mine as he dipped his head and flattened his tongue over my clit, moving side to side, burying his mouth in me. I shivered as he sucked the little bundle of nerves, then moved his tongue lower, pressing inside.

"Oh, God." I squeezed my eyes shut and gripped his hair as he ate me like a starving man. He licked and teased, finally sliding two fingers inside.

"So tight." He licked and sucked, curling his fingers deeper.

I rocked against his mouth as I cried out. "Yes! Like that. Don't stop."

"Come for me, beautiful." He licked from his pumping fingers up, sucking my clit. "I want it all."

As though he commanded my body, a wave of pleasure washed through me as I came and Dean sucked up every drop until I trembled under his touch. He kissed his way up my body, as I squeezed his still pumping hand between my thighs and my muscles shook.

When my eyes cracked open, Dean was lying beside me, watching me with a soft smile on his face. "You really are so fucking beautiful."

"That was amazing." I panted and reached up, running my thumb over his shiny lips and pulling him down for a kiss, loving that he tasted of whiskey and me. He pulled me closer as I sucked his tongue and nibbled his lower lip.

His fingers slid from my pussy, and I whimpered at the loss of him. Pulling back, he watched my reaction as he played with my nipples, wiping his fingers on them, covering them in my juices. "You taste so good." He scooted down, taking turns sucking each of my breasts clean.

"God." I panted as need filled my chest. "I want you inside me, Dean."

Reaching to the foot of the bed, he grabbed the condoms from where I'd dropped them. I took one from his hand and ripped the packet open. "Let me."

I rolled it down his rigid length, and he lowered between my legs. Kissing me, he pulled back to watch as he pressed his thick cock inside.

I gasped as I stretched around him, and an edge of pain made me stiffen. I squeezed my eyes shut. "Sorry. It's been a while." My cheeks heated from more than lust.

"Relax, Libby." He paused, circling his hips, and making my breath catch in my throat as I looked up at him. "That's it." Dean cupped my cheek, dipping his fingers into my hair, and locking his gaze on mine as he moved deeper.

His jaw flexed. "So fucking tight." He panted and continued slowly.

"More. Don't hold back." I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"There's no rush." He kept the same slow pace until his pelvis pressed against me and he circled his hips again.

I moaned. "I'm so full. God, you feel good." My fingers dug into the muscles of his back. "I want more."

"Anything you want, beautiful." He grinned and slid his hands over my thighs, guiding my legs over his shoulders. As he leaned down, folding me in half, my knees pressed to the outside of my shoulders.

Pulling out, he slid in to the hilt and ground against me. The deep thrust made me scream. "Yes! Like that."

Each thrust seemed impossibly deeper than the last. Dean swiveled his hips, taking me from every angle and rubbing my clit with his body. The tides of pleasure rose in me and I slowed my breaths to hold it back.

I never wanted this to end. I wanted to stay in this bed, being fucked by this gorgeous god of a man, forever.

"Keep making those sounds, and I won't last much longer." His deep voice rumbled just above my lips.

My eyes widened, and he smirked. I hadn't even realized I was making a sound. This man overwhelmed me in a way I'd never known before. Leaning up, I kissed him, weaving my hands into his hair and letting him swallow my moans.

Seconds later, I couldn't hold back anymore. The dam inside me broke and my orgasm rushed through my body, stealing my breath and making me quiver.

Dean was right behind me, coming with a deep groan as his movements became uneven. After a pause to catch his breath, he lowered my legs and buried his face in my neck. "Libby, that was fucking amazing."

I ran my fingers over his back and shoulders, pulling him closer, and he shivered. I smiled through panting breaths as he kissed my neck.

Sex was never like this, was it? Had it really been so long that I'd forgotten this earth shattering feeling? Or was Dean truly the best sex of my life?

After removing the condom, he excused himself to the bathroom, then returned, collapsing at my side. He snuggled against me with his arm over my waist and his thumb moving in a soothing motion over my hip. Aftershocks of my orgasm rolled through my body, making me shiver, and Dean chuckled.

"I'm so glad you sat beside me," he whispered. "Tell me we can see each other again."

"Are we done seeing each other now?" I asked as I rolled over to face him.

"We don't have to be." He grinned, sliding his hand down my back to squeeze my ass before lifting my thigh and resting it on his hip.

"Good. Because I'm nowhere near done with you." I pushed up, and he laid back, letting me straddle him. Hovering over him, he kissed me as I slipped my pussy up and down his hardening shaft.

With a groan, he pulled away from our kiss to reach for another condom. He rolled it into place and I leaned up, letting him line himself up with my entrance before taking him in all at once. I gasped as he stretched my sensitive core and lifted his hips, bouncing me.

"Yes!" I rode him hard and deep as the sounds of his moans and praise filled the air.

Fantastic sex, easy conversation, and laughs filled the next few hours. Dean was as funny and smart as he was gorgeous. He was exactly what I needed, maybe not just for tonight.

He was someone I wanted to spend more time with, and after tomorrow, I'd be a free woman, able to start something new without guilt or complications. As I lay beside him, panting, I couldn't help but giggle as I asked, "So, should we exchange numbers?"

He smirked. "There's no way I was leaving here without a way to contact you." Dipping his head, he pressed a kiss to my shoulder. "I don't want to, but I really need to go. It's got to be close to morning and I have to be at work early."

My mouth fell open. "Shit! What time is it?"

"One sec." He left the room and returned a minute later with all of our discarded clothes from the night before and my purse.

He dropped them on the bed, and I grabbed my bag, pulling my cell out. "Oh, my gosh! It's after five."

I ran my fingers through my matted hair. I'd been worried about showing up looking tired, and now I had barely a few hours to sleep, and make myself look like I hadn't stayed up all night having sex.

Actually, maybe showing up looking well-fucked would be good. Definitely not the pathetic impression I'd been afraid of giving. I grinned at the thought.

Dean was half dressed when I snapped out of my thoughts. He caught me looking and sighed. "Sorry for rushing off. I didn't think it was already morning. I really have to get going." He tossed me his phone. "Give me your number and I'll shoot you a text so you'll have mine."

"Okay." I entered the information and stood, grabbing a throw blanket from the chair in the corner to walk him out.

We kissed by the door, and he left. As I locked the door, I hoped he liked me as much as I liked him and this rushed exit wasn't just a way to escape a one-night stand.

I told myself that even if that was all it was to him, that was okay. That was all I'd been looking for last night and Dean had exceeded every expectation I had.

My phone buzzed in my hand, and I lifted it to find a text from a new number. Get some rest, beautiful. I'll call after work.

Warmth filled my chest and a giddy squeal left me before I could stop it.

Don't forget to vote and comment before you flip to the next chapter to see how things wrap up! 🎉

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