Obligation (Chapter 2 of 3)

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"So, this club is so boring, you hid in a corner to read?" Micha's gentle smile made me feel like he wasn't making fun of me. He was genuinely asking.

"Not the club so much as the entire experience."

"You don't enjoy dancing?"

"Dancing with friends is fun, but I'm not really into randos grinding against me."

"That's understandable." His deep chuckle made me smile.

The bartender sat our drinks in front of us, and Micha thanked him before sliding one closer to me. "Sorry about before. I wouldn't normally have bothered you. I've just never seen someone reading here."

"You're not bothering me." When I heard it out loud, I realized it was the truth. Suddenly, I wasn't in a rush to leave.

He took a sip of his drink and nodded. "I was hoping this was vodka. Good choice."

"I like it." I shrugged and ignored the part of me that wanted to bask in the silly compliment.

In his smooth voice, anything he said could fill my stomach with butterflies. This man could read the phonebook and I'd swoon watching his perfect full lips move.

He studied me with his soft brown eyes and my pulse raced, but I took it as permission to study him right back. With a burgundy button up tucked into black slacks, he wasn't the typical club guy. He looked more like he'd just gotten off work at some office, or wherever he modeled, because he was beautiful.

What the hell was wrong with me? I was losing my mind over a guy I'd known for five whole minutes.

"So, you like reading, but not hanging out in clubs." Micha scooted his stool closer so he wouldn't have to yell as loud. "We have that in common."

My eyes narrowed as I tried to decide if he was lying. "If you don't like this, why are you here?"

He glanced around the immense space with a sigh. "Obligations."

"Yeah, my friends dragged me here, too."

"Did they?" He took another drink. "I'll have to thank them."

I couldn't stop my grin, and we fell into a comfortable conversation after that. It turned out he wasn't lying about enjoying reading. He liked a lot of the same stuff I did, and he'd even read some of the YA fantasy I loved.

I'd babbled on about one series in particular that was being turned into a television show, and he seemed interested in everything I said, although I knew he must be being polite. I just had the nervous rambles and couldn't seem to be quiet. It wasn't like me, and I didn't know how to handle it.

We finished our drinks, and he ordered us two more. Relief that I hadn't chased him off filled me, and I relaxed a bit.

Micha has one brother, and I'd told him that even though I'm an only child, the two I considered sisters were out there on the dance floor somewhere.

"Ah, so it's them I have to thank for my night being so much better than I'd expected."

"Cute." I smiled and reached out to trace the back of his hand resting on the edge of the bar. He seemed kind and smart, and the more we chatted, the more I wanted to stop talking and start touching. "I've had a nice time too."

"Good." He leaned closer and my heart beat against my chest. "I'd really like to kiss you."

I grinned. "I'd be pissed if you didn't."

His fingers threaded into the hair at my nape, tipping my head back. His lips touched mine, and this was no hesitant first kiss—this was bold and intense, overwhelming, but not enough. Tingles spread from everywhere that his skin met mine, and I needed more.

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