It's Only Fair (2 of 5)

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Two hours later, I strolled through the cool night air toward Monroe's Tavern. It was a high-end restaurant known for its fancy appetizers and signature cocktails.

My interest was in the bar. It was always busy, filled with people just getting off work and looking for an escape. Lucky for me, it was only a ten-minute walk from Kamerice's house.

My heart raced as I went over the plan again in my head. I'd sit at the bar and just see what happened. If an interesting man was interested, great! If not, that was okay, too. At least I was putting myself out there. This was a big step.

When I entered the dimly lit foyer of the large space, it was no surprise to find it packed, even though it was after ten. Almost every table was full, and from what I could see of the bar, there were no seats left.

My shoulders drooped with disappointment as the host came back to his podium. "Reservation, Miss?"

"No. I was just hoping for a place at the bar, but it looks like bad timing."

The young guy smiled. "If you're here alone, I believe there is one seat left. Might I show you the way?"

"Yes, please." I forced myself to smile through the nerves filling my tummy as I followed him to the bar. Going home was seeming like the easy, safe thing to do. Zero chance of rejection.

The host turned the empty seat which was between two men, letting me sit before he swiveled me toward the bar. "Enjoy your night, Miss."

"Thank you," I said to the man's retreating back as I glanced at my neighbors.

One was an older gentleman with graying hair, and a woman who may have been his wife sat on the opposite side of him. To my left, beside the wall, was a younger man with wavy dark hair whose shoulder was several inches above mine. He held his cell in his lap as he seemed to reply to an email, and the angle hid his face from view.

Hooking my purse on the back of my seat and trying not to stare, I glanced at the little black card containing a list of drinks the bartender placed in front of me. She smiled. "These are the specialty drinks for the night. I'll be back with you in just a moment."

I nodded and picked up the card, scanning for something with tequila—one drink had it.

Something brushed my left arm, and I turned as the man beside me stood from his seat and bent to the floor. The scent of sandalwood wafted over me as he moved, and I found myself more interested in the stranger. But what was he doing?

He stood and held out my purse. "I think you dropped this."

My mouth fell open as I studied the small black bag in his huge hand. "Oh, my goodness. I thought I'd hung it on the back of the seat. Tha—" My words stopped on an embarrassing squeak as I met his gaze.

Tingles started in my core and spread through me as his warm brown eyes seemed to bore into me, assessing everything. "Thank you," I whispered, setting it in my lap.

Sweet, beautiful goddess of orgasms, please let this man like what he sees, and please let him be single. I snuck a peek at his left ring finger as he returned to his seat beside me, smiling when I found it bare.

"I'm Dean." He held his hand out and I took it, trying not to stare at the corded forearms exposed by the folded sleeves of his button up.

"Libby. It's nice to meet you."

"You too." His full lips pulled up in a crooked smile that added to his appeal. He looked over my shoulder and tipped his head toward the bartender, who was making her way back to me. "Have you decided what you'd like? They're pretty busy tonight, so it could be awhile before she comes back."

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