01 - a hopeless romantic all my life

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March | 2018 | Seoul, South Korea

|| han haesun's pov:

"yah ," someone called. "wake up."
i opened my eyes to see a blurry figure standing in front of me. i threw off my bed sheets while my vision started to adjust. my childhood best friend, sung hanbin, towered over me. confused, i stared at him. he was dressed all ready for school and everything. wait-

"WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE?" i yelled.

he just laughed and handed me my glasses. please don't tell me that break is over already.

"did you forget that there was school?" he teased.

ugh. school.

"YAH SUNG HANBIN YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO WAKE ME UP!" i screamed. i can't be late. i hate being late.

"well that's what i'm here to do," he explained with a mischievous smile. "yujin let me in."

of course my little brother let him in.

i shooed hanbin out of my room and got dressed into my school uniform. i rushed to put in my contacts so i wouldn't be blind. my phone buzzed with a text from hanbin. my finger swiped up to reveal the notifications that cluttered up on the screen.
7 Missed calls.

oops. they were all from hanbin. i grabbed my backpack and scrambled down the staircase.

"good morning, eomma," i said.

she returned the greeting before she handed me a scallion pancake.

"haesun," hanbin called from the front door. "we gotta go the bus is here."

eomma gave hanbin a small container that held a few scallion pancakes. "a snack for later," she told him with a smile.

we heard the sound of a vehicle approach our street. hanbin grabbed my wrist to pull me out the front door. "thank you for the food mrs. han!" he called.

we took two seats together on the bus and smacked on the pancakes my mom gave us.

"so," hanbin started. "first day of grade 11."  i stared at him and nodded.

"i don't want to go to class," i groaned. i was one of the top students in my class, but i like sleep.

"i don't either," hanbin replied. "but we have to."

i put in my earbuds to tune out the loud students on the bus. hanbin did the same.
the bus pulled up to the sunny school campus. it was currently spring which meant that all the trees flowered with blossoms.
sweet love songs filled my ears which with the spring environment was soothing. hanbin pulled out one of my earbuds to speak. everyone i walked by on my way to class was either buzzing with excitement to be reunified with their friends, or extremely exhausted.

"we gotta go to class," he said, his head gestures towards the school entrance. i popped my earbud back into my ear. hanbin grabbed my arm to lead me to class.

the clean hallways were filled with students eager to get to class. hanbin stopped us in front of a door that said "CLASS 7". it's only been a few months since i've been in a classroom yet seeing rows of desks seems like a foreign concept.

he let go of my arm, no longer needing to guide me. "what class is kyungmin in?" i asked hanbin.

"five." he answered. i nodded my head in response.

we found a spot to sit towards the back corner and took a seat. "what subject is first?" i asked hanbin

"i think history is first," he said. "i'm not too sure."

𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲'𝘀 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 - sung hanbinWhere stories live. Discover now