11 - love resembles misty dream

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|| sung hanbin's pov:

i was extremely confused. how did haesun know i wrote her that letter? i continued to read the letter from her.

hello hanbin,
i know i'm shocking you right now. i know it's you from your handwriting, it's really recognizable. andddd i might've had asked yujin if he knew if you wrote it. so i guess i'm your crush then. well i'm honored <3 let's talk about this at school, ok?

~ xo, ur bestie

i really should've printed that letter. but...at least i don't need to come up with a way to confess to her now. i now dreaded going to class tomorrow, knowing i would speak to her about this. i just hoped that she wouldn't reject me harshly.

the next morning...  

|| third person pov:

sadly, the next day came quicker than expected, or at least it felt that way. hanbin got ready for the just like he would any other day. it was supposed to be a normal school day, yet it felt like it wasn't. just like all the other mornings, he stood outside of the hans' household waiting for his crush. haesun came walking out of her door with her school bag in hand. she approached hanbin and gestured her head towards the bus stop's direction. 

"c'mon," she said. "can't miss the bus."

hanbin was rather silent on the walk to the bus stop. he felt embarrassed now knowing that haesun was aware of his crush on her. on the other hand, haesun's mood was rather pleasant that morning. they stood there together at the stop, waiting for the bus to come. engine noises announced the arrival of the bus. 

"ladies first," hanbin said, gesturing for haesun to go. 

she smiled and stepped on first, hanbin followed. the two found empty seats towards the middle of the vehicle and sat there together. hanbin really hoped that she wouldn't bring it up until lunch. he also didn't want her to bring it up at lunch though since all of their other friends would be there to witness his rejection.

"so," she spoke. "i can tell you don't want to talk about this but i'm assuming you got my letter?" 

hanbin nodded, awkwardly. "yeah, i got it."

"now that i think about it, it was kind of obvious." 

"what do you mean?"

"yujin kept giving me hints and so did you, even if it was unintentional." 

hanbin sighed. was it that unintentionally obvious? and yujin gave her hints? at least he was trying to help his case. 

"what kind of hints?" hanbin asked her. 

"like," she paused. "he kept asking me if i've ever considered you romantically and kept emphasizing how nice you were to me."

hanbin was unsure whether he wanted to hug yujin the next time he saw him or yell at him. he was trying to help though, so probably the hug option. 

"can you just reject me already?" hanbin spoke up. "i'm getting anxious." 

"hanbin, i'm not gonna reject you." haesun responded, somewhat annoyed at his assumption. "we're besties. oh wait i just friendzoned you. let me start over, i've never considered you romantically so give me some time to get back to you."

"okay..." hanbin was a little unsure where this was going.

"plus i just got out of a relationship," she added. "so like you know, wouldn't be nice to hao." 

hanbin understood. he was glad she didn't reject him there and then but kinda wished she did at the same time.


hanbin laid at home, in his room, fully spread out on his bed. he didn't feel like seeing haesun for a few days, but he didn't want to ditch her. he feared that things wouldn't be the same between them anymore now that she knew it was him who had sent her that letter. 

"that was such a stupid decision," was what hanbin had told himself, slamming a pillow against his face. 

he grabbed his phone to distract himself from his intrusive thoughts. it didn't work.

what if she doesn't want to be friends anymore? he stressed over this topic. or there's awkward tension? 

|| the following week...

"hanbin," haesun called on their daily walk to the bus stop. "i've decided that i want to stay friends for now."

he nodded his head, understanding. 

"it's not that i dislike you or anything," she explained worried of crushing his feelings. "i just want to take things slowly. we're still best friends though."

haesun thought that she had hurt hanbin but he was actually relieved. he would rather be somewhat rejected than lose his best friend. to his delight, she hadn't mentioned to their other friends that he was haesun's (not so secret anymore) secret admirer. 

"do you plan on telling them?" hanbin asked her. "the rest of the group?"

she shook her head in response. "i assume you don't want me to so i haven't."

he appreciated that she considered his feelings in this. the rest of the week went on like normal, nothing out of the ordinary occurred. 

-the bestie boos 😘

haesun did you ever find out who your secret admirer was?

hao 🔛🔝
oh yeah its been like a week



oh really

hanni <3 
well they did say they didn't want to reveal themselves to her

everyones oppa
good point

hanbin was surprised that she had lied about the secret admirer stuff. he respected her for it.

"thanks," he said, finding a seat on the bus with her. "for not telling them about us and the letter stuff."

"of course," she smiled. "i mean that's what best friends are supposed to do."


was this an extremely short filler? yes.
no but like i srsly love how hanbin got ricky scalp care stuff for his bday

no hate intended, everything is written for entertainment purposes only.

(chapter title is lyrics from IU's 'Lilac'.)

𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲'𝘀 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 - sung hanbinWhere stories live. Discover now