03 - i hope you'd be someone's dream come true

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saturday | 8:23 am

|| han haesun's pov:

my phone vibrated on my bed, playing my ringtone audio. hanbin's contact name was displayed on the screen, along with his profile photo.

 hanbin's contact name was displayed on the screen, along with his profile photo

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(this is the pfp she has him as btw.)

i selected the accept button and soon heard hanbin's voice.

"annyeong," he greeted. he turned on his video so i could clearly see him. he sat at his desk, i noticed that he was still in pajamas.

|| sung hanbin's pov:

"hey," haesun responded.

it was 8:26 am and from haesun's current state, it looks like she just woke up. she laid face down on her bed with sleepy eyes. strands of her long, dark hair stuck up above her head. she sat in her pajamas, reaching for her glasses. random thought, she has nice glasses. transparent frame glasses that fixed her terrible eyesight.

"did you just wake up?" i laughed.

"how did you know?" she yawned, removing her glasses to rub her left eye.

aw, cute.

"don't you have music arts class today? every saturday right?" she asked.

i nodded.

"zhang hao is gonna be there," she noted.

once again, i nodded.

i internally sighed. this girl is seriously obsessed with him. i've liked her since grade 7, she doesn't know it, which is probably for the best. yujin is the only person i've told. yeah he's her brother, but he's pretty trustworthy.

"if you want, i can talk to him for you. yk get to know him, learn stuff et cetera." i offered.

her face lit up the moment i said this.

"YES PLEASE! OH MY GOSH, THANK YOU HANBIN. I LOVE YOU FOR THIS." she exclaimed with joy. she added on, "platonically, of course."

i gave her a faint smile. her words sentence somehow felt like a bullet to my chest. doing this gave me no direct benefit but if she's happy, i'm happy.

"of course," i responded.

i glanced over to the clock on my wall to check the time. 8:43 am. my class was at 9:30, i still needed to get dressed for the day.

"well i should get going,"

"aw," she whined. "meeting at noon at your mom's cafe?"


"i'll see you then!"

i waved goodbye and she sent a flying kiss through the screen. her kiss was followed by her sweet laugh. the screen went black, leaving me with a weird feeling. was it...butterflies? i've known haesun my whole life, but i've never felt this sort of feeling.

𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲'𝘀 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 - sung hanbinWhere stories live. Discover now