04 - sit back and let the unnecessary words flow

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monday | 7:43 am

|| han haesun's pov:

i woke up in a good mood today. i sat at the kitchen table, eating gyeran mari*.

"haesun!" yujin called from the doorway. "hanbin is here! the bus is too!"

i quickly stuffed the last of the egg roll into my mouth. grabbing my backpack, i ran out the door, waving goodbye to eomma.

hanbin stood outside of our front door and i attacked him with a hug.

"someone's in a good mood today," he noted.

i nodded, pulling back a few seconds later and followed yujin towards the bus.

"does your crush take the bus?" yujin asked.

"shh!" i hushed. "but to answer your question, no, he doesn't."

math was rather boring today. our teacher talked the entire period about the importance of showing our work.

"i think hao and his friend might come over at lunch today," hanbin whispered into my left ear.

"REALLY?!" i exclaimed, a little too loudly.

my whole class turned their attention towards the back corner of the classroom where i sat.

"han haesun," our teacher said. "anything you'd like to share with the class?"

"no sir," i answered, suddenly interested in the crack on my desk. "i apologize for disturbing the lesson."

across the cafeteria we spotted kyungmin sitting at an empty table. he waved to catch our attention. we made our way towards where he sat and joined him.

shortly after, hao and ricky approached us.

"hi!" we all greeted.

"sit down!" hanbin encouraged them.

the two friends sat down across from where the rest of us sat. for a few minutes everyone sat in awkward silence.

"so," kyungmin said. "your names are zhang hao and ricky shen right?"

i knew that he definitely knew hao's name. i talk about him too much. i'm pretty sure he doesn't know ricky's name though.

"that's right," ricky answered. "and you are?"

"seo kyungmin," kyungmin stuck out his hand to them. "it's a pleasure to meet you. i know, it's a pleasure to meet me too."

i smacked my forehead. secondhand embarrassment hits hard. hanbin had quite the opposite reaction. he bursted out in laughter as soon as those words left kyungmin's mouth. ricky and zhang hao also laughed at this response.

"so hao," kyungmin turned to face him. "what's your type? in girls, or in guys, your preference."

i wanted to hide in a shed. i attempted to cower behind hanbin, it didn't really work. hanbin's first reaction was similar to mine, shock. the following reaction was the opposite from mine. he started laughing again. not only that, he turned to face me.

"do one of your friends like him?" ricky asked kyungmin. "specifically, that one."

i looked up to see they were all staring at me.

"great question," kyungmin responded. "you should ask her."


"what," was my first response. "oh- no i don't. don't worry." i laughed awkwardly after.

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