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|| sung hanbin's pov:

i have been waiting for this day for years, ever since the 11th grade. that day when haesun gave me that final letter was one of the best days of my life. the day that had followed had been our first date. we have been together ever since. today was haesun and i's sixth anniversary so we took a weekend trip to jeju island. hao had gotten over her not too long after we had gotten together. ricky ended up graduating from one of the top universities and kyungmin became a professional volleyball player. i didn't know he was actually good when he said that he played. gyuvin on the other hand had somehow gotten hanni to fall in love with him (a/n: y'all i don't ship irl it's for story purposes only). today was the perfect opportunity for me to propose.

haesun stepped out of the hotel room bathroom wearing a cute pastel pink cardigan with a white pleated skirt.

"you look pretty," i complimented her.

she smiled at my words. "thank you! we're going to see the cherry blossoms today right?"

i nodded my head.

"okay, good. i was saving this outfit for today."

it was currently 10:30 am and i had been ready since 5:58, eager for the day. i wore an oversized navy colored varsity jacket and reached in my pocket for a small black box. i kept it in my pocket, safe and sound.

haesun and i exited the hotel room together, waiting in the hotel lobby for our uber. she decided to walk around the entrance of the hotel to kill time.

"oh my gosh why are these flowers all so pretty?" she gasped in awe.

i took a few photos of her with some pretty flowers and smiled. our uber finally arrived and we both got in.

"you're heading to see the cherry blossoms?" the driver double checked.

"yes, that's right," i confirmed with him.

we arrived at our destination. i opened the car door, thanking the driver on my way out. we walked around the cherry blossom trees, gasping in awe at each one.

"let's take a picture!" i told haesun. i asked the next person that walked by to record a video for us.

haesun thought that we were taking a photo so she fixed her hair a bit. i took a deep breath, praying that she wouldn't say "no".

there i stood on one knee, with a ring out. it didn't take too long for her to notice. i found the shock on her face adorable yet a bit funny at the same time.

"han haesun," i started. "you've been my best friend for as long as i can remember. will you marry me?"

"yes" she said with no hesitation.

i slipped the engagement ring onto her ring finger. she quickly embraced me afterwards. the moment the embrace ended i kissed her. luckily, that person got it all on video and i thanked him. we did end up taking a selfie in front of the beautiful trees. except now we were an engaged couple. this moment was something 17 year-old me could've only dreamed of.


thank you for reading! that's it lol. i hope you enjoyed this story!
for the (real) final time please just remember everything written was fictional and composed for entertainment purposes only.

~ ephipha_niki <3

𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲'𝘀 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 - sung hanbinWhere stories live. Discover now