06 - love is sour grapes

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about one week later....

Saturday | 15:07

|| han haesun's pov:

even though i just started liking hao, i feel like it's not really a crush anymore. it's one sided love. yeah, yeah, i'm a hopeless romantic but it's okay. my phone rung, vibrating on my desk.

i picked it up to answer. "hello?"

"hi haesunnie," it was hanbin's voice.

"what's up?"

|| sung hanbin's pov:

i was hanging out with hao at my mom's cafe again. i would've invited haesun, but she was studying for an important exam at her after school academy.

"nothing much," i responded. "i'm with hao right now. we just wanted to say hi."

"oh, hi hao!"

i moved my phone closer to hao so he could speak.

"hey," he said to haesun.

"well i have to go study more," haesun said. "i'll text you both later!"

"bye!" hao and i both said.

our call concluded and hao took a sip of a latte he ordered.

"that call was a little pointless not gonna lie." hao admitted.

"yeah, it's nice to hear her voice tho."

he nodded in agreement.

"hao," i called. "what do you think of haesun?"

he looked confused at my question. "what do you mean?"

"like romantically?"

he hesitated before responding. "well,"

i waited for the rest of his response.

"i wouldn't mind dating her." he admitted.

my eyebrows lifted in surprise.



"you know, you should really ask her out." i told him.

"would she say yes?"

"for sure, she's been simping for you since the first day of school."

he seemed very shocked. i did expect some reaction out of him, but he sat there silent for a moment.

"really?" he asked.

"yes," i told him. "i have text proof."

"it's okay, i don't need to see that." he said.

"sooooo, you like her?"

he paused again before nodding.

"since we started hanging out with you all," he explained. "i wanna ask her out but i don't know how to."


i thought for a moment before speaking again. many mixed thoughts running through my head.

"how about," i started. "i invite both of you to a nice dinner place or a cafe, then tell haesun i can't go last minute when she's already there. so then it becomes a date and you can confess and all the stuff."

"really?" he asked.

i nodded. he doesn't know that i too, like her. sometimes though, you need to make sacrifices to make others happy.

𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲'𝘀 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 - sung hanbinWhere stories live. Discover now