13 (final) - i'm lucky, found my love,

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|| third person pov:

han haesun sat at her desk, just finishing up some homework, when hanbin entered her mind. she did like hanbin in some sort of way. the thing was though, her fondness for him was in a way somewhere in between friend and not friend. she already knew that hanbin liked her, so maybe she should just give him a shot.

"yujin!" she spun her chair now facing her bedroom entrance. "can you come up here please!"

shortly after her call, han yujin came running up the stairs.

"what do you want?" he asked her. "i was doing something."

"shhh my love life is more important," she shushed her kinsmen. "i'm not sure if i like hanbin or not. i think i do but i'm not fully sure. i think i'm not sure because i just got out of a break up."

yujin placed himself onto his sister's bed. he grabbed the closest pillow, hugging it tightly.

"i think that you should give hanbin a chance"he suggested. "like he's a great guy who genuinely has feelings for you. plus you're already pretty close. just like tell him you wanna try going out on a little date and just see where that goes. i mean you've already kissed. plus if you're worried about moving on from your past relationship just remember that if hao is a good person he'll want you to be happy. and it wasn't extremely recent."

she looked at him with horror in her eyes. "he told you about that? the kiss?"

"i know everything," yujin stated. "but i will not confirm nor deny my source."

haesun ignored her brother, returning to her notebook. she wasn't sure what would happen if she verbally told hanbin her decision. she considered sending him a text but that idea was obviously shut down. it would be less genuine if she texted him. she wanted to tell him verbally in person except the thing was that she was pretty sure that she would fumble over her words or get embarrassed.

she decided to just write a letter just like the one that he had written to her. he could just respond verbally and she could just go with the flow after that. she grabbed a piece of blank binder paper from the bottom left drawer of her desk. on the top of her dask sat a pencil holder filled with, of course, pencils and pens. she carefully picked a lavender-blueish gel pen to write the letter. dear sung hanbin, was all she had written.

"my penmanship is so good," she muttered to herself. she shook her head afterwards. "stay on task, han haesun!"

haesun sat there at her desk, flicking her gel pen back and forth, pondering what to write. after about twenty minutes, she managed to write something. well it was a single word more than before.


she decided to play music to entertain herself since she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. she wondered to herself why this was so hard for her. all she had to write was that she wanted to hang out with him. just the two of them. on a romantic date.

"oh my gosh, this is gonna be weird to write" she told herself.

finally, after about an hour, she wrote a simple letter. it was genuine at least.

dear sung hanbin,

hey, i think i like you, romantically. kinda...or a lot?? a good amount at least. i'm not really too sure. but basically i wanna give you a chance. can we maybe...go out on a date sometime? i'm sorry that this letter is kinda really awkward. well let's arrange a time and date. you know where i live and when i'm free sooooo
text me 💋

p.s you don't need to tell me i have great handwriting, i'm aware.

love, haesun

han haesun read over the letter she just wrote. she cringed at her words, thinking to herself how awkward and unprofessional she sounded. she had spent much longer than needed attempting to draw a kiss emoji. it was okay though since it was just hanbin and she already wasted like an hour on this letter. she folded it up, stuffing it into a clean envelope. she opened a small desk drawer, revealing tons of random sanrio stickers. she went through all of them. she needed to find the perfect one. she finally decided on a cute little sticker of cinnamoroll holding a tiny heart. she used the sticker to seal the letter and wrote "to: hanbin from: haesun ♡" as a final touch.

|| the next day...

the letter that haesun had written for hanbin was stuffed into her back jean pocket. unlike most days, she waited by her front window for hanbin. the moment she saw him step closer to her house she opened the front door and ran out to him.

"you're not late today" hanbin said, rather shocked.

"yup," she smiled, handing him the letter. "i wasn't sure how to say this to your face so i wrote it down."

the way she had worded that last sentence sounded like she was gonna reject him. which made hanbin anxious about opening the letter. but he did anyway. his eyes read the several sentences written and a small smile formed.

"i mean you do have good handwriting," he admitted.

"i literally wrote that i already knew that," haesun rolled her eyes.

hanbin folded back the piece of binder paper, stuffing it back into the envelope.

"so you're basically saying you wanna go out with me?" he confirmed.

haesun nodded her head shyly. "yeah."

hanbin took a step closer to his friend, or possible girlfriend. he embraced her, whispering something into her ear.

"you said i was a good kisser right?"

he quickly kissed her on the lips. haesun was unprepared for the kiss but she didn't mind. after their short kiss ended, hanbin grabbed her hand, walking together towards the bus stop.


yeah that's kinda it. heh yeah ik this was a kinda short chapter. tysm for reading this fanfiction! stan zerobaseone!

p.s there's an epilogue.

for the final time, this whole thing was written for entertainment purposes only. everything you read was fictional.

[chapter title is lyrics from (G)I-dle's 'LOVE'.]

𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲'𝘀 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 - sung hanbinWhere stories live. Discover now