09 - my heart keeps beating as if its my own story

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|| sung hanbin's pov:

haesun and hao hung out whenever possible. they had been together for around a month and a three quarters now. i was happy to see her relationship flourish but seeing them together made me a bit disappointed. i do want what's best for her, and hao is a great guy. they are a great match. i'm just sad that haesun and i haven't been able to hang out as much now. she spent almost all of her free time now with hao.

-human dialysis machine-


what do you want

hang out with me pls

ask haesun
doesn't she live like two minutes away from you

yes but she's with hao

ah young love
i was in love once

with who may i ask

my reflection

thats a lil vain

shut up
just go over to her house and tell hao to get tf out

no thats mean
just hang out with me pls im not gonna interrupt them just cuz i'm lonely

mmm fine
i'll meet you at your moms cafe in 20

kk tysm

i walked over to my moms cafe. it was raining outside so i grabbed my rain coat before entering the rain. i really despite rain. but you know what they say, 'april showers bring may flowers'.

"you're walking in the rain?" hanareum asked, noticing my coat.

i nodded. "it's only like a five minute walk, i'll be fine."

i exited my household, umbrella in hand and hood up. the rain was so aesthetic yet so annoying at the same time. unlike me, haesun loved the rain. i shortly arrived at the cafe, searching for gyuvin

-human dialysis machine-

yo where r u



look up

i found gyuvin standing in the rain with his hood, right by the front entrance. he looked up from his phone to see me.

"ah, there you are," he observed. "let's go inside i'm freezing."

the two of us sat down across from the other at a table by the window. both him and i stared out the window at the rain. we removed our rain coats, hanging them on the back of our chairs. we ordered hot drinks to warm up our stiff bodies.

"thank you~" we both said together as a waitress brought out our drinks.

i took careful tiny sips of my drink.

"this is giving kdrama couple," gyuvin blurted.

i choked on my drink. i attempted to cough it out.

𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲'𝘀 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 - sung hanbinWhere stories live. Discover now