02 - just say my name

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|| han haesun's pov:

"sorry again!" i awkwardly said before i fled from the scene.

"sorry, she's weird." kyungmin apologized again.

i turned the corner of the hallway on the path to the gym.

where did they go? i thought.

oh gosh pe is gonna be awkward. my loyal mobile phone buzzed in my pocket.
incoming call from: 'hamzzi'.

"where are you?" hanbin asked through the phone. "we have to go to class"

"i'll meet you in the gym," i told him. "are you still with kyungmin?"

"yes," he answered. "we'll meet you there then."


i entered the girls locker room to be greeted by an odd smell. was it, chlorine? over break the locker rooms got cleaned and renovated. an ajumma pe teacher instructed me to put away my phone when entering the locker room.

"hi haesun!" a girl who walked by waved. her name was hanni pham, known for her jaw-dropping talent and pleasant personality.

looking up from my phone, i waved back with a smile. i found my locker from the previous term, setting my bag down i unlocked my locker and set my belongs inside.

"okay students," our pe teacher, mrs. baek announced. "today is mile day. i know it's the first day but we still have to do it."

her message was followed by many groans and side conversations.

we ran around the track for a while before returning back at the gym.

i stood with hanbin and kyungmin off to the side, waiting further instructions. hanbin nudged my arm and gestured his head towards the opposite corner of the room. i turned my attention towards that corner where two figures in black stood. i identified one as zhang hao, but i haven't seen the other guy before.

"hanbin oppa," i called faintly. "who is that with hao?"

hanbin squinted his eyes some examining the other black figure.

"that's ricky shen i'm pretty sure," he said. "some people said that he's from shanghai but lived in los angeles at one point."

"ricky shen..." his name rolled off my tongue, silently.

"do you want to go up to them?" he asked me. "we can just say that we just want to meet the new students."

i would've said yes right away, if not for the fact i ran into him earlier today. i do want to make up for my terrible first impression and meet his friend though. ugh why does life have to have such difficult choices to make. holding my wrist, hanbin dragged me over to the corner where they stood.

"hello," he said politely with a bow. "my name is sung hanbin. you two are new right?"

ricky and hao looked kinda confused at our random introduction but both nodded.

"hello," they both said.

"my name is ricky shen," ricky introduced. "and he's zhang hao."

i should probably say something. gotta seize the opportunity yk (stan mark lee).

"h-hi," i stuttered awkwardly. "my name is han haesun. we just wanted to introduce ourselves since we heard that you're new." my words were followed by an awkward laugh.

𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲'𝘀 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 - sung hanbinWhere stories live. Discover now