05 - say you love me, say you love me

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|| han haesun's pov:

i stayed over at hanbin's house for another hour or so, working on homework together.

"what's the square root of 100 again?" i asked him.

"girl what-" he was stunned. "it's 10 silly, we learned this years ago."

math wasn't really my strong suit. i often forgot how to do simple calculations.

"ahhh that's right," i said. "thanks."

he sighed and continued to do his own work.

"how do you have a 98% in math?" he asked.

i shrugged.

"i get by," i smiled. "i just do last minute cramming before a test."


my phone notified me that someone had sent me a message. i checked my phone to see a notification from my mother


you're staying with the sungs tonight, yujin is too
abba and i need to stay somewhere over night last minute.

okay eomma

i packed your stuff, please come retrieve it soon

okay, thank you

"did you parents text you?" hanbin asked me.

"yeah," i answered. "my mom did."

my words were followed by a knock on hanbin's bedroom door.

"come in," he called out to whoever knocked.

mrs. sung entered the room with an apron on.

"haesun, did your mother tell you?" she questioned. "you and yujin are staying the night with us."

"yes, she did," i responded. "thank you for letting us stay here."

"of course!" she grinned.

my phone buzzed in my pocket which was my queue to return home.

"i need to go back to my house real quick," i explained to hanbin. "i need to get my overnight rest stuff."

i slowly made my way out of hanbin's bedroom. i liked the environment of the sungs domain. it was similar to mine own, which might've been why it felt safe.

my house was just across the street from hanbin's. it had always been like that, very convenient for best friends like us.

the entrance of my household was surrounded by colorful blooming flowers. i laid sight on my mom tending to some of the plants in the front.

she turned and noticed me.

"haesun-ah!" she called, gleefully. "your stuff is in the foyer! double check you have everything."

"okay!" i called back. "thank you!"

i rushed into the foyer and found a duffel bag waiting for me there. i scanned through it. toiletries...nightclothes...school uniform...i think that's it. i ran up to my room to quickly retrieve my bag.

𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲'𝘀 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 - sung hanbinWhere stories live. Discover now