Part 4

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Kelly was up all night; he couldn't sleep. His mind kept replaying Stella's look of hurt and fear. He called her twenty-seven times, but they all went to voicemail. He texted her more times than he could count. He left her twenty voicemails. He figured she turned her phone off; he just wished she had responded to one text. Maybe he wouldn't be so worried about her if he knew she was okay. 

He decided to call Brett; he knew it was six in the morning, but he needed to know if Stella was okay.

"Severide? Is everything okay?" Brett said, answering her phone. Kelly never calls her, so she knew something was up. 

"Yeah, sorry for the early call, I just wanted to make sure Stella was okay. She didn't respond to any of my texts. So, I was worried."

Brett sat up. "Why are you asking me? She's your wife."

"Because she's with you, right?" He asked, in a worried tone.

"No, I haven't seen Stella."

Kelly stood up and said, "Stella didn't stay at your place last night." He was panicking now.

"No, Severide. Why didn't she stay at home with you?" Brett asked, clearly confused as to what was going on. "What is going on?"

Kelly closed his eyes. Where the hell could she be? "We had a disagreement; she didn't sleep here last night. I don't know where she is. I thought she was with you."

Brett's eyes widened. "No, I haven't talked to her since yesterday through a short text. Look, I'll call her, and if I hear anything, I'll let you know."

"Thanks, Brett." He hung up and stood there for a moment. Maybe she's at Herrmann's or Cruz and Chloe's. He started calling everyone he could think of.

About an hour later Cruz came to the loft to pick Kelly up. "No one has seen her?" He said this as he walked into the loft.

"No, I called everyone I could think of," Kelly told him as he put his shoes on.

"That's crazy, so Brett, Herrmann, Mouch, Ritter, Gallo, Violet, Tony, and Capp haven't seen her or talked to her?"

"Nope, well, I didn't call Capp; I don't think she was that desperate to go to Capp's, do you?"

"No one is that desperate." Cruz joked.

"Thanks for coming over and picking me up," Kelly said. As he grabbed his keys. "My car is at Carver's; Boden brought me straight home after bailing me out last night." Kelly opened the door.

"Man, I don't want to upset you, but is there a chance she went to Carver's?" Cruz asked in an unsure tone. He really didn't want to piss him off.

Kelly stopped walking and looked at him. "Do you think she did?"

Cruz shrugged. "I don't know, she's your wife."

Kelly thought about it for a while. "I guess we will find out. Her Jeep will be there if she's there." He said this as he walked to Cruz's car. His mind is now worried about her staying at Carver's.

As they got into the car. "I can't believe you beat the hell out of Carver and I missed it."

"The chief isn't too happy about it, so you might be in charge of squad for a few shifts. If he decides to suspend me." Kelly tells him as he buckles his seat belt.

"Damn, I've got your back, man," Cruz said as he started driving. "Carver should be suspended for putting his hands on his lieutenant."

"The chief said he would be held accountable for his actions. But I don't know how Stella is going to like it."

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