Part 7

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A/N: So here is the next part. The question you all were wondering will be answered in this chapter. This is pretty much a happy married Stellaride chapter. Because I'm still going through Stellaride withdrawals, I need happy and in love Stellaride right now. No cliffhanger either because I want to give us Stellaride fans some happiness. But the next chapter will have a slight time jump and some not-so-good news for our beloved couple. Just a warning. 

All five sets of eyes stared at the entrance of Molly's. Angie was beyond pissed; Cindy was shocked; Herrmann was amused; and Stella was a tad shocked but not surprised. Kelly was boiling. Stella could sense Kelly's anger; she wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed his cheek. "Let's hear him out first, babe." She whispered into his ear, then kissed his ear lope. He looked over at her; his face was furious, and his eyes were raging. But one look at his wife calms him down.

"Fine," he replied, then pecked her lips.

"I'm curious about what he has to say for himself," Herrmann said.

"Now guys, there's probably a logical reason for what we think he did," Cindy said, trying to be the voice of reason.

"What we think he did? Sweetheart, we know what he did," Herrmann said, looking at his wife.

"Not technically; we know Angie's side. Everyone deserves to tell their side." Cindy said, trying to be the reasonable one.

"Why are you defending him?" Herrmann asked his wife in a curious tone.

"Christopher, Jesus said, He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone." She paused before continuing, "That is enough to make anyone scratch their head and slow down. We will all admit that we are not perfect, but we will too often be quick to add that we are not as bad as whoever. Let's not judge people."

Herrmann sighed. "You just had to bring Jesus into this, huh?"

"Jesus is the voice of reason."

Stella laughed at the couple's exchange. "She's right; we need to hear his side before we judge."

Cindy gave Stella a stern look. "Stella, we can't judge him."

"Cindy, no disrespect, but the man almost ruined my marriage with his little game. So, he is getting peace of mind."

"He's lucky if he's still on the squad when I'm done with him," Kelly added.

Cindy sighed, but she understood where the couple was coming from.

"So, you guys know him?" Angie asked.

"Yep, for years," Herrmann told her. "He is a firefighter; he works at Firehouse 51 and is on squad."

"So technically, everything he said to you wasn't a lie," Cindy said. Causing Hermann to glare at her. " What? I'm just pointing out the good in the situation." She said when she noticed her husband's look.

"He's not the lieutenant of squad; that was a lie, and he's definitely not Kelly Severide; that was a lie," Stella tells her as Angie bites her lip.

"Is he part owner of this bar?" Angie asked.

"Hell no!" Herrmann yelled, causing everyone to look at their table again. 

"Christopher, calm down."

"Nope, he's a dead man," Herrmann said as he went to get up, but Cindy grabbed his arm.

"Stop, do your breathing exercises." 

Herrmann rolled his eyes, then started to do his breathing exercises.

"What else did he tell you?" Kelly asked.

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