Part 22

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Violet walked into Stella's office and saw her lying back in her desk chair with her eyes closed. "Are you okay?"

Stella's eyes snapped open, and she sat up straight. "Yeah."

"Are you sure? You seemed a little off today and in the last few shift too."

"I'm not feeling well; I know there's a stomach bug going around."

"Yeah, I heard that too." Violet studied her for a moment. "What's your symptom?"

"Normal stuff: I'm light-headed, I'm nauseous, a headache, and I feel like I've been hit by a train. I'm so tired that I can't get enough sleep."

"That sounds more than just a stomach bug."

"I'm hoping it's not the flu; I don't want the kids to catch it."

"Maybe you should get checked."

"I will if my symptoms don't get better in a couple of days." She sighed. "Anyways, what's up?"

"Well, I came to check on my favorite lieutenant." Stella rolled her eyes. "And to tell you, I love my new partner. She's no Brett, but she's freaking awesome."

Stella smiles. "Well, that's good. She seems like she knows her stuff."

"She does, and the recommendations that Chief and I read were pretty awesome. I think she will be a great fit for 51."

"Good, we need to get to know her better. We can invited her to Molly's tomorrow night."

"I did, but she has some family stuff going on." Violet sat down. "Don't say anything, because Tia is very private about her personal life, but her mom is in the hospital; she has cancer; apparently she is in the last stage of her life."

"Oh my, that poor girl."

"Yeah, so she spends her days off and any free time at the hospital with her mom."

"It makes sense; maybe we can do something for her to let her know that her new 51 family is here for her."

"Yeah, we should definitely do that." Violet agreed. "So when does Severide get to come back? The house just ain't the same without him."

"Oh, I know. I hate being here without him. The last three weeks off have been driving him insane. I mean, I'm kind of jealous he gets to spend time with the kids." She smiled. "He goes to the doctor tomorrow, so hopefully they clear him for duty." She leaned forward. "Now you can't tell anyone this, but I've been wanting to tell someone-only Herrmann and I know-and it's killing me to keep it from Kelly. Cause I'm not good at keeping secrets."


"Boden is promoting Kelly to captain his first active shift back."

"That's amazing. Wow, so much is going on at 51. It makes me excited. Kelly is getting promoted, and Cruz is taking the lieutenant test on Friday. Gallo made squad; my new partner is freaking awesome, and you're pregnant."

Stella sipped out her water. "I am not pregnant!"

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."

"Stella, you have all the symptoms, and you look pale. Trust me, you're pregnant."

"Violet I've been pregnant before; I would know the symptoms, plus I know my body; trust me, I am not pregnant."

"Fine, I won't say another word about it...

"Lieutenant." Mouch said as he approached the doorway of Stella's office. "Sorry to interrupt."

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