Part 16

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There is something purposeful about the beginning of autumn. Autumn days fall by as fast as the leaves on the trees. The sun rises and sets as if on fast-forward as if there is some divine hurry to reach winter. Though the sun is still bright in the sky, it is cooler even on days that lack clouds.

If Stella had to pick a season that was her favorite, it would be fall. Unlike the heavy, intoxicating air of summer, fall air is light and crisp-and it carries a signature scent that Stella simply adores-a mix of rain, earth, tree bark, and leaves. It's a scent that always makes her want to take deeper, longer breaths and just fill her lungs with all the smells of nature. Fall is nature's most prolific and imaginative painter, who loves to splash stunning shades of red, orange, and yellow across this canvas we call earth.

As Stella sat on her back deck, enjoying the cool breeze blowing on this beautiful fall morning, watching the trees in her backyard change color, and her twins playing in the sandbox, she sipped her morning coffee and silently thanked God for all her blessings. She couldn't believe how fast the last seven months had passed. She was back on shift with Kelly, back as 81's lieutenant. Gallo, Carver, and Mouch were relieved by her return. Boden switched lieutenant asshole to the other shift, and everyone was happy.

Her marriage was back on track; they had a date night once a week. They went dancing, skating, diving, whatever Kelly could come up with; every date ended in them making love. Kelly made it his daily responsibility to tell his wife how sexy she was, and he made sure to kiss her-really kiss her-every chance he got

They've managed to communicate better and balance their everyday struggles with their babies. Life was pretty good-well, actually, it was pretty amazing. She had the career she had always wanted, a rock-solid marriage, two adorable babies, and a beautiful home. Life really couldn't get any better.

She smiled as she felt two arms wrap around her. "Good morning, sexy," Kelly whispered before kissing her neck.

"Morning, babe." She replied as she leaned back into his arms. "Where's my morning kiss?"

"Right here." He whispered against her lips. He kisses her softly, and she opens her mouth just enough for his tongue to slip in. The kiss gets more intense and passionate every second.

" Wow!" She said this as she pulled away. "You sure know how to take my breath away."

"You know we haven't had sex out here yet." He said it with a kinked brow.

"Add it to your bucket list," she teased.

"Well, let's check it off right now." He smirked before kissing her neck again.

"Oh, no, no, no, sweetheart. Our babies are watching."

Kelly pulled back and looked at her like she was crazy. Stella pointed to the sandbox. He followed her finger and said, "Oh, I didn't even see them." He smiled as Shay filled her flower cup with sand and Benny put his bucket over his head, laughing. "Why are they in the sandbox at eight in the morning?"

"I figured today's their birthday, so let them have some early morning fun."

"Makes sense." He replied as he tightened his hold on her.

"Hard to believe their one today, huh?"

"Yeah, it seemed like it was just yesterday that we brought them home from the hospital."

"Hermann and Cindy were right; they grow so fast." Stella sighed sadly. "Pretty soon they will be talking, walking, starting school, driving, graduating...

"Okay, babe, slow down," Kelly said, interrupting her. "Let's not push them out of the house just yet." He jokes.

They sat there quietly watching their kids play, both enjoying their little family moment. It was moments like these that they treasured the most.

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