Part 6

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A/N: Sorry, but part of this is a little sappy, but I'm going through a missing Stellaride phase right now. And I want a happy moment between them. Let me know what your thoughts are about the ending... 

Herrmann was speechless for a moment—just a moment. Once he put his thoughts together, he let her have it. "Like hell he did. Severide didn't cheat on you. He wouldn't cheat on you; that man worshiped you. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. That's a bunch of crazy talk, a bunch of baloney a bunch of nonsense, and a bunch of crap rolled into a pile of lies. You are absolutely insane if, for one second, you believe he cheated on you.

Stella wasn't expecting him to disagree with her or go off like that. "Herrmann the boy is one, and Kelly and I have been together for almost six years. Add it up; math doesn't lie. He slept with that woman while we were together. "

"I don't believe it."

"I don't want to either, but the evidence proves he did." Stella laid the ring on the table by the hospital bed.

"Put that ring back on your finger!" He demanded.

Stella's eyes widened at his demand. "I need to get used to not wearing it." She tells him as she stares at the ring on the table. Her tears were falling again.

"No, you don't; you need to put it back on your finger where it belongs and keep it there forever." He tells her in an irritated tone. He picked up the ring and forced it back on her finger. He slapped her hand like a toddler who touched something they shouldn't have. "Leave it there." He warned her. "Again, I repeated Severide didn't cheat on you."

Stella shakes her head. "The kid is one; he has brown hair, and...

"I don't give a damn if the kid was Severide's twin; he's not his son." Herrmann tells her, interrupting her.

Stella sighed. "How do you know for sure he isn't?"

"Because that man loves you, and he would never do anything to mess up what you two have." He paused. "How do you know for sure he is?"

"I don't know for sure." She tells him. " I don't know anything really,  But.

"But nothing..." He said, interrupting her. "I don't even see how it's possible for him to cheat on you. You two are always together; you're on shift together, you live together, and the nights you're at Molly's, he's usually there with you. So, unless he has the power to freeze time, I find it hard to believe."

Stella bit her lip. "Maybe when I was off doing girls on fire,"

Herrmann arched his eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Kelly was hurt and upset when I went MIA on him last year. So maybe one night he got so lonely that...

"Stop it," Hermann yelled as he got up from the bed. "Excuse my language, but shut your pie hole right now. I don't want to hear that. That man was devastated when you ignored his calls and texts. He was too worried and heartbroken to be thinking about another woman or to have a one-night stand. "

"You don't know...

"I'm still talking." He said, cutting off whatever she was going to say. "He came to my house; we had a cigar chat outside my house, and we talked about you. He was confused about what was going on with you and how things were going to be when you came back. He was heartbroken, and not looking for a hookup. You were his only thought, the only damn thing on his mind."

Stella watched Herrmann for a few seconds. "The boy is one; his hair is lite brown, and I

"Stella, I love you, and I don't want to cause you any more stress. I don't want anything to happen to you or the baby. but you've got to stop. Just stop assuming shit. You are sitting there assuming things and making up these little scenarios in your head, trying to convince yourself that Kelly is that boy's father. Just stop it. He's not his father. I don't care what you say; I don't care what that Angie woman said; I need to see it in black and white. I want to see the DNA results that say that Kelly Severide is 100 percent that boy's father. If you can show me that kind of poof, then I might believe it."

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