Sudah seminggu ini, para residents ditugaskan berbedaa. Ada yang shift pagi-sore, ada yang sore-malam Dokter Jisoo seakan punya antena, beberapa diantara dari mereka dipisahkan dari pasangan mereka
Hyunsuk — Sore
Jihoon — Pagi
Yoshi — Sore
Junkyu — Pagi
Mashiho — Sore
Somi — Sore
Lia — Sore
Nako — Pagi
Ryujin — PagiPagi ini, Jihoon dan Junkyu seperti mengalami pagi yang beraaat sekali. Melihat Jihoon yang tangguh seperti biasa namun pagi itu ia harus menekuk wajahnya, Junkyu agak tidak tega juga
(Menutup loker Jihoon)
Junkyu: okey. I'll be Mashiho for you, if you'll be Yoshi for me
Jihoon: deal
Junkyu: something between me and somi...getting weird. I hate to said this but, she makes me comfortable. And now I lost her
Jihoon: tell her. Have a great time with her when we're off. Just take her to the bar, or ask her around waterfall. Just make a moment. Did I sounds like him?
Junkyu: perfect. Now it's yours
Jihoon: Lia is more busy with studying plastic surgery. She wannabe plastics fellow. I mean it's plastics. I like it when she finally fight for her future but... It's like slowly killing me. I'm afraid I'm losing her
Junkyu: wah asli kayak abg baru pacaran lu. You should be happy she finally following her path. And nothings wronh with plastic surgery you just believe everything she did, is a badass. Just be with her when she's studying. And you won't losing her. Is Mashiho enough?!
Jihoon: perfect. What the hell happen to us?!
Junkyu: we should stop it. Stop talking about our crush. Or your girlfriend. Focus career and i-ship.
Jihoon: no more dating. Maybe just for today. Cause not everyone can pick up their scalpel. We have to pick up that scalpel and make a cut. It's all about being committed, because if we're not, we have no business picking up that scalpel in the first place.
Junkyu: deal
Saat mulai bekerja, Junkyu memberitahu dr. Rosè tentang Noelle, yang sedang mengandung anak kembar usia 32 minggu. Namun saat melihat scan, bayi satu tampaknya berkembang lebih lambat dari yang lain
Gabriel: hi doctora, I'm Gabriel, Noelle's fiancè
dr. Rose: hi, I'm gonna be Noelle's doctor. Take your time, it must be tough on a journey through this tropical rainforest
Gabriel: San Diego menyuruh kami menemui anda doctora, karena ada hal yg cukup serius dan mereka bilang anda ahlinya
dr. Rosè; sekilas, kondisi Noelle tidak ada yg buruk, saya tidak mengerti. Tidak ada kontraksi, tidak ada pendarahan, dan kondisi vitalmu sangat baik
Junkyu: (sambil membaca chart Noelle) TWO UTERUSES??
dr. Rosè: doctor Junkyu...
Junkyu: (menyerahkan chart) she was born woth two uteruses.
Ryujin: It's very rare and cool...
Setelah mereka mendapat ruangan, dr. Rosè, Junkyu dan Ryujin menjalankan serangkauan test pada Noelle. Saat ingin menginformasikan hasilnya, Gabrielle sedang berbicara dengan perut Noelle tentang sepak bola.
Off The Doctors
FanficDokter Hyunsuk, Jihoon, Yoshi, Junkyu, Mashiho, Somi, Lia, Ryujin, dan Nako terjebak menjadi dokter magang di sebuah pedesaan dalam hutan Amerika Selatan untuk mengabdikan diri mereka sebagai dokter pada sebuah klinik besar yang kekurangan tenaga me...