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Wilhelm slowly got the feeling that the galas would not even be the worst. But rather the meetings before the galas. Like the one he now had to sit in. Minou sat across from him and Jan-Olof sat next to Kristina. A few other people from the day before were also present. And just like the day before, the queen rose again.

"I am glad that you all could make it again, since we could not talk further yesterday because of...inconveniences." She could have said Wilhelm right away, since everyone knew what was meant.
"So, I want everyone to make suggestions now about what who needs to do at the gala. And that Wilhelm has to talk to women, nobody has to tell me. But how would be nice."

"I'll just walk around, talk to some girls," even though he would try to spend the whole evening with Felice, "And just stand there. Anything else? Oh yeah, I'm listening intently to the music." said Wilhelm, obviously annoyed. "All right." muttered Minou and noted something on her Ipad.
"What you're definitely going to do, Wilhelm, is make a speech at the beginning, after the choir sang. And again at the end. Just say thank you. Can you do that, please?" the queen asked, and Wilhelm just rolled his eyes, but nodded, annoyed.

A choir. Wilhelm didn't really like choirs that much. It always sounded as if a group of angels had come straight from heaven. But he had heard choirs that were realtively good, even if they were just a few.
„Also, Boris is waiting in your room with suits you have to try on. You're excused." she said and Wilhelm didn't think twice before he disapeared out of the room and was very glad to get out of the meeting.

On the way back to his part of the castle, he was passed by a few people Wilhelm had never seen before, glad that he looked like a part of the staff at the moment. They also wore a uniform with the logo of the royal house. And these people were walking, Wilhelm guessed, toward the great music hall. And because he was curious, he followed them. And he was right with his assumption.
After waiting for three minutes in a dark corner of the hall, no more people came, and Wilhelm dared to approach the door. Through a small crack where the door was still slightly open, he looked into the music room with which he associated many memories.

There were many people in the room. One person was around 40 and the others were either a little older than Wilhelm or about his age. One of the people who looked the same age as Wilhelm caught his eye.

A boy with skin that looked so soft and fragile that he thought touching it would leave marks.
Curly brown hair that glistened in the sunlight, and Wilhelm could have sworn that if he touched that hair it would feel like a soft cloud.
Brown eyes that looked so innocent that he was sure there was a secret and a story behind them. He had only a hunch and the demand to find out what exact secrets they were hiding.
And a mouth on which a smile was missing, but Wilhelm was sure if the boy would've smiled, it would've been the most beautiful and broadest in the whole room. Maybe even the whole world. It'd be close to a shining star, Wilhelm thought. He decided not to question why he thought that.

Just as Wilhelm was about to study the young man further, someone stepped into his field of vision and blocked his view. "Crown Prince!" said a joyful voice. "Madame Fernandez," Wilhelm said less joyfully, stepping further away from the door. "We have choir practice for the gala next Saturday. If you want to go in the room, I'm afraid it won't be for another hour or so. The rehearsal schedule is posted next to the door. Just so Your Highness knows." explained Fernandez, still in the most pleasing voice Wilhelm had ever heard.

"Ah okay, good to know. I ... um ... have to go, then," he said quietly, turning on his heel and disappearing into the shadows.
It was choir practice. So the boy was part of the choir. But why did it matter to Wilhelm that if the boy really was part of the choir, he would see him at the gala on Saturday? Why was it important to him? Simply because he looked like a nice person, he thought. And again he decided he had enough on his mind and didn't question that eighter.

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