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Wilhelm had always had problems with sleeping. And he already had routines how he could do it better. But even that didn't help when there was even more pressure on him than there already was. When he was so afraid of failing and disappointing his mother that it robbed him of sleep. When he was panicking, even though it was the calmest situation. And that's why he was now lying in his bed in the dark staring at the ceiling.

One point of his routine was to just lie there and do nothing. And since it didn't work either, he turned his head to the clock. 1 o'clock. He reached for a pillow next to him and slapped it on his head. "Ugh."
He thought for a moment before sitting up and putting on a sweater that was lying on the floor. Adding sneakers and leaving his room. He walked through the dark corridors of the castle. Past the pictures of his family to which he did not give a glance because it would kill his sleep completely. And of the things that made him tired, there was one more thing he hadn't tried yet. Tea.

Just outside the kitchen he saw a slight flickering light shining out. He crept up and peeked around the corner. On the counter in the center were three candles, small flames on them. And a person with their back turned to Wilhelm. A gray blanket hung over their shoulder, leaving only to guess who it was.
"You're not very good at sneaking, whoever you are." the person said with a smirk in the voice tone, and Wilhelm widened his eyes before entering, but the person did not move. What Wilhelm did notice, however, was the warmth in the voice. He took one deep breath before answering. "Not really, am I?"

The person turned around and Wilhelm recognized the eyes in the light of the candles. Eyes that now widened.
"Crown Prince, I... you..." they began and Wilhlm made a gesture with his hand. "Please, Wilhelm. Just call me Wilhelm." he held out his hand even though he knew exactly who it was.

He hesitated briefly, but eventually extended his hand to Wilhelm. "Simon." he said. Wilhelm nodded. I know, he thought.
"Nice to make your acquaintance." he said. A small silence fell.
"So," Wilhelm began, walking over to the tea cabinet, "Can't sleep either?" He opened the drawer with the tea bags, as he had done so many times before, and took out his favorite tea. He took a cup from the cupboard and put the tea bag in it.

"Not really no." said Simon laughing, sitting down at one of the chairs at the counter and blowing on his tea, "And why are you here?" - "Same reason as you I supose. I can't sleep." said Wilhelm, standing across from Simon. He put his cup a little further away and crossed his arms, leaning on the counter and looking at Simon. Said looked sheepishly at his cup.

"You have a beautiful voice." said Wilhelm without really thinking about it. His mind was already back on the gala from a few days before.
"Eh, thanks. Did you enjoy it?" asked Simon, taking a sip of his tea. A light pinch of his perfume came to Wilhelm's nose. Sandalwood with a light touch of rose. "Yes. I know you were, are, the soloist. You were really good. Like really good. There are few people who have as much feeling in their voice as you do. Where you can tell they live for the music. But you do. There's something comforting about it."

Wilhelm got lost in his words and when he eventually finished, he looked up to Simon opening his mouth. „What are you even doing here? Isn't this the staff kitchen?" Wilhelm giggles slightly. „I am used to this kitchen being empty when I am here." Simon nodded not taking his eyes off Wilhelm. „So you come here often then?" he asked.
Wilhelm nodded, „Always when I can't sleep. Why can't you sleep? I have an good excuse."

Simon laughed quietly. „Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine." He leaned on his elbows and rested his head on his hands. The light of the candles flattered his jaw line and his light sensitive smile. Wilhelm laughed and took a sip from his tea. „I have meetings over meetings for galas I didn't want and the pressure of finding a wife." And when he said it loud for the first time the word ,wife' just felt so so wrong on his tongue. But didn't think further about it, „Now you."

„The pressure of the solos and my mum." he said taking a sip from his tea now. „Yout mum?"
„My mother is from Spain. I am from Spain and she is visiting my grand-parents there. And she got the cold, like my garnd-parents and I know her. She won't rest and will get three times worse. For example: she can't speak right now. And... sorry, I started rambeling." Simon hid his face behinf his cup.

„Don't say sorry. Only people who never talk can talk alot at once. So tell me." And Wilhelm had for the first time the feeling, that he was seen as a person and not as a Crown Prince. „Only if I don't bother." Simon started, waiting for Wilhelm to nod and so he did, „So, I have a sister, Sara. And I can't tell her about this. And I normaly tell her about everything. But the NDAs and everything. It's just painful to have nobody to talk to." And Wilhelm looked at Simon with a short glimm of pain in his eyes, hoping Simon wouldn't see it.

"Do you like it here?" he asked, looking at Simon expectantly. "Do you like it here?" he asked instead of answering and Wilhelm just thought for a moment. Because he never really did. Think about it. "Sometimes." Wilhelm paused again for a moment, going over in his mind how much he could tell now without Simon having to sign NDAS. Until he remembered that Simon had probably already done that.

"It feels lonely sometimes." an uncertain laugh left Wilhelm's mouth, but there was a slight smile on Simon's lips, he realized. Wilhelm took a sip of his tea. A silence fell again. Simon stood up and picked up his cup, which was empty by now. When had he finished it, Wilhelm wondered. Simon put the cup on the sink and went to the door. Before he left, he paused once more. The light of the candles shone on the black curls that fell into his face as he glanced over his shoulder.

"You're not anymore, Wilhelm. Good night." he said and left the room. Wilhelm's gaze returned to his cup and a smile flitted across his lips. He sat down exactly where Simon had just sat. The place was still warm and Wilhelm finished his tea and noticed that he was already getting tired. He put his cup next to Simon's and when their hands touched it made a small noise. He blew out the candles and walked back through the corridors.

But this time he didn't ignore the picture. The family picture from almost four years ago. The flat and fake smile on his lips hurt his soul. He looked at the hand on his shoulder in the picture. Erik's hand. A warm feeling flowed through his body. A feeling he had not had for a long time. "I miss you." whispered Wilhelm, a small tear on his cheek. He ran back to his room, and went to bed. He fell asleep. With the smell of Rose in his nose. The smell of sandalwood mixed with the rose. And he had the feeling that it was his new favorite scent.

A/N Look at our babies bonding :]

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