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(One week until the second gala)

"Thank you for taking the time," Sara said, pulling Simon into a final hug, "I know it's been hard lately." Simon just nodded and smiled at his sister.
"Oh, one more thing. I can't make it to Mom's this week. Could you maybe do it? I know you-" Simon didn't let her finish.

"Of course, you just go to that fancy private school."
Sara tilted her head. "Hillerska, Simon. The school is called Hillerska." Simon laughed and nodded. "I know. Have fun with teaching spoiled children horse riding." Sara rolled her eyes and with that, Simon waved again and walked to the black van parked further off to the side, as usual.

"Castle?" asked the driver after Simon got back in. "No, to this address." said Simon, handing him a piece of paper. The driver, apparently named Vincent, typed the address into the GPS and drove off. Simon took a deep breath. He hadn't been to his mother's house in weeks. Mainly cause his mom was in spain and his sister took care of everything. Except for today as it seemed.

The van stopped after a short drive and Vincent nodded. So Simon got out and went to the small pile of stones next to the door where the second key was. He took it out and unlocked the door.

It was still dark inside, since the hallway had no windows. He turned the light on and made his way to his childhood bedroom. In front of the room there was a light orange light. He opened the door and saw what had embellished his childhood. Three small goldfish swimming in an aquarium.

Simon did not remember how he came up with the names: Olle, Oski and Felle. He could never tell them apart anyway, and yet somehow they were always a fixed point in his life. When he thought about it, it sounded beautiful, but also absolutely pathetic. But since no one knew about it, it was bearable.
The fish had an automatic feeding machine that had to be refilled every two weeks. His mother always did it and lately Sara had done it. Now Simon took care of his fish himself. As he probably should have done it for a while.

Simon: Gonna take care of the fish now comepletly. As I maybe should have from the beginning.
Sara: Wise decision, my dear brother.
Simon: Respectfully, fuck u.

He just stood there for a moment and watched the three goldfish swimming happily around before he went into the kitchen to get some fish food. When he had said food, he returned to the fish and the feeding machine and filled it up again. 
Simon put the bag of fish food next to the aquarium and settled down on the bed, wondering why his mother had never disposed of the bed. He continued to watch his three fish and then pulled out his cell phone.

Simon: Have you ever had pets?
Wilhelm: ....
Wilhelm: We had a cat once.
Wilhelm: Or rather, a stray cat that ran around in the garden, and Erik and I used to feed it a little bit.
Simon: I'll let that stand
Wilhelm: Why do you ask?
Simon: No reason
Wilhelm: That what someone with a reason would say ._.
Simon: drop it.

Simon smiled to himself and continued to watch his fish before looking around the room a bit more. On the wall were still all the posters he ever had, as well as pictures of his mother, him and Sara. His fathers pictures were burned by himself in a bonfire when he was eighteen. And before he was aware of how much time had passed, an hour was over.

He got up to leave the room, but stopped in front of the door. He turned around again and took the picture on his nightstand, a family picture with Sara, his mom and himself, as well as one of the two lava lamps in his room. Even if he would come back in two weeks to do exactly what he had promised Sara. Even if after that his mom would do it again, with that, he left his old self behind.

Simon put his things down in the hallway for a moment and fetched a watering can from the utility room. In the kitchen he filled it and began to walk through the house to water the plants. Every now and then he filled the can again, before he finally took up his things again after he had tidied up everything.

Simon stepped out into the fresh air again and closed the door behind him. He locked it and made his way to the car.
"One more stop before we have to go back to the castle?" asked Vincent as Simon dropped into the back seat. "Yes. To this address and then we can go to the castle." said Simon, handing him another piece of paper. Vincent typed it back into the Navie and drove off.

The houses of Stockholm passed him by until he recognized exactly where he was. And then the van stopped. "Hurry up. We have to be back at the castle for dinner," Vincent said in a more nicely tone then expected, as Simon got out. "Yeah, sorry I'll make it quick." he muttered, closing the car door behind him.

He went to the mailboxes on the wall of the house, already jamming out his key. He unlocked his mailbox and two things fell out. A postcard from his mother and a letter. He stuffed it into his pocket and quickly made his way up the stairs to his apartment.
Once he was in the small gray room, he dropped onto the bed and opened the letter.

Dear Mr. Eriksson,
This is your official notice to vacate your apartment, as your renting debt from the last three months have not been paid.
Attached to this letter you will find the amount that is still outstanding. To pay said, you still have two months.
Aswell as you have two months two get your belongings out of the apartment. What will be there in exactly two months,
will land in a trashcan and will be recycelt.
With greetings,

Maybe something died inside him, but he wasn't really sure either. He could probably pay off the debt in two months, but he no longer had a home. Not that this shit hole was ever a home to him. But he had a roof over his head. And that was now gone for good.

Simon grabbed a laundry basket and threw everything in there that was still somehow important to him. A few clothes, his other three pairs of shoes and a few decorative things like odds and ends. He took his keys and took off what the keys that belonged to this building.
Back downstairs he threw the keys into the mailbox of his landlady. And with that he was homeless. At least when the galas were over. He just felt like crying. He put the laundry basket in the trunk and sat back in the car.

"Castle?" asked Vincent, obviously in a better mood than Simon.
"Castle." replied Simon, crestfallen.

He wasn't at dinner that evening.

A/N look at our babies (I am talking about Olle, Oski and Felle if it wasn't clear) <3

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