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(Not even one day until gala two)

When Simon was about thirteen years old, he had a poster on his wall from a magazine for teens that he had stolen from his sister's room. On the poster was a boy who was exactly as old as Simon, but looked three years older. The boy had light brown hair and eyes that looked like Coke.

And from a thirteen year old, that was a compliment. Because Simon wanted to bathe in this brown of the eyes. Sink into them.  Simon wanted to touch the hair, lose his hands in it. He wanted to know what this person was like. His character; his personality. And the more hormones took over his body, he wanted to know how he kissed.

And to know it now was an indescribable feeling.

It was a small kiss. Wilhelm kissed him briefly and pulled right back. A small expression of horror ran over his face and he jumped up.
"I'm so sorry." he said, slightly panicking. Simon slowly stood up. "Wilhelm," but Wilhelm paced up and down the room.
"I'm so sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me."
"Wilhelm," Simon kept getting closer to him. And he stopped.
"Please just forget about it. Can we just keep drinking tea?" rambled Wilhelm, cringing at his own words as it seemed, and Simon put his hands on his arms and pulled Wilhelm to him.

"It's okay." he whispered, watching Wilhelm calm down. "Really?"
"Yes, Wilhelm." said Simon and pulled him close and put his lips on Wilhelm's again. And Simon understood that this was what he had wanted to do for days and he didn't even know it. But it felt so right.

Wilhelm put his hands to his cheeks and pulled Simon closer to him. Simon let him. Simon had so many questions that he couldn't answer, but didn't want to. He was busy with other things.

The kiss became more wanting, more urgent, and Simon lost his breath more and more, until he broke the kiss and breathed heavily. Wilhelm put his forehead against Simon's shoulder. Simon disengaged himself and looked at him. "Are you okay?" Wilhelm still had his eyes closed and nodded slightly. "You don't really look like you're okay, Wille." said Simon breathless.

Now Wilhelm opened his eyes. "Wille?" he asked, a smirk on his lips.
"Wilhelm is too long for so little air in my lungs." whispered Simon. Wilhelm had a spark in his eyes. This time Simon could read it as if he had been in Wille's brain. "Are you sure?"
Wilhelm nodded and gave Simon another kiss. It was deeper, hungrier than the first two kisses, and it was still sweet.
Wilhlem pulled back again and took Simon by the hand. He pulled him out of the music room and into the eternal labyrinth of the castle.

At some point they entered a part of the castle that Simon had not yet seen. Willes hand was a fixed point from which warmth emanated, and nothing could Simon make to let him go. Even if the world would fall to dust right that second, Simon could've not let go.

They came to a door in front of which Wilhelm stopped abruptly. He opened it, letting go of Simon's hand, which went cold without hesitation. "After you." Wille whispered and Simon laughed softly, but crossed his arms behind his back and walked slowly into the room. A large room with a bed similar to his on the right side and a desk across from it.

Next to the desk was a door to a bathroom and next to the entrance was a two-seater couch.
Wilhelm closed the door, leaned against it and crossed his arms. His eyes were on Simon, who walked slowly across the room. His fingers glided over the desk chair.

Simon was now standing in front of the bed with his arms crossed. "And now?" asked Simon with a smile on his lips and looked at Wille. Wille's response was to close the distance between them, put his hands to Simon's cheeks and pull him close. Simon automatically let his hands reach for Wilhelm's hips. But Wille did not kiss him.

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