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(One day until the next gala)


Wilhelm could no longer hope that the two and a half days would pass quickly. Listening to Simon, just hearing his voice calmed some fire in Wilhelm. What fueled it, however, was the thought that anyone would do this to a human being. And especially to Simon.

A person who didn't care what people thought about him; who just made you feel safe; who remembered the smallest details about you. And that's exactly what took Wilhelm's mind. He was hardly present at the meeting he was sitting in. And when he tried, his mind directed him to the thought he had the day before. How soft Simon's hand was. How good his hair smelled.

"Wilhelm? Are you still present?" a voice asked, snapping him out of his thoughts again. "Ehm, Yes...sorry." he said, straightening up a bit. His mother looked at him in a sequence of glances that flitted across her face in seconds. First annoyed, as it was not the first time of this meeting that Wilhelm went off topic. Then confused and finally just acceptance.


"WILLE!" shouted Felice, "Listen, it's nice that you think about things. Just please don't look at it like you've been put into a coma with your eyes open."
"Sorry, it's just..." he began. How could he explain it to her? "Just forget about it. The galas just won't leave my head in peace."

"Me too, but I don't sit there looking around like I've seen a ghost." she laughed and Wilhhelm smiled, grateful to have Felice in columnar situations. When he felt something, but wasn't sure what. And that scared him. But Felice was there and then he thought of Simon and oh. The warm feeling spread through his chest again. He could think about it later. He devoted himself again to the conversation with Felice.


"You're a little absent today," Boris noted, after Wilhelm had been standing there like a log for ten minutes, while Boris finished staking out the suit to make the necessary arrangements for the suit. "Yes, I have a bit much on my mind," Wilhelm said, taking off his suit jacket and throwing it over his chair.

"You want to talk about it?" asked Boris, putting his stuff away again. "Maybe. I don't even know what the problem is myself." Wilhelm muttered. Boris tilted his head a little, but didn't speak. Wilhelm took this as an invitation to talk further.

"It's just, and it's strange to say this, but I've been feeling things the last few days that I've never... felt before. It doesn't make any sense at all." Wilhelm gave a small uncertain laugh and looked down at the floor. "It does make sense. Crown Prince, excuse my personal question, but have you ever been romantically interested in a person?" Wilhelm looked up in surprise. "No, no it isn't that. Can't be." Boris raised an eyebrow. "You sure?"

Wilhelm didn't answer. Boris said goodbye and left Wilhelm alone with a mess of thoughts.
They were interrupted by his vebrating cell phone.

Simon: 10:30 pm again?
Wilhelm: sure :]

Wilhelm smiled and continued to think about Boris' words.

10.25 pm

Simon was a little later, but that was okay. Wilhelm continued to just sit there drinking his tea when he got so startled that he choked on it.
"I STILL DON'T KNOW THE TEXT!" shouted Simon, storming into the kitchen while waving the paper around. Wilhelm slapped his chest and was able to breathe again. "Simon calm down." he said, still coughing a bit and stood up, "Where is the problem right now?"

"I can't tell you that. It's supposed to be a surprise, after all:" said Simon, exasperated.
"Don't be silly. I'll hear it either way." said Wilhelm, snatching the leaf from his hand.
On the sheet were the lyrics to : Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley.
"Sing it for me." suggested Wilhelm and settled back in his chair.
Simon hesitated took a short breath in and out.

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