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They didn't leave the room for the rest of the day. Simon's and Wilhelm's phones buzzed a few times, but they were both too much in their own bubble to care. It was just the two of them. They talked a lot. Starting with: Who did Simon want to tell, and if Wille wanted to, who did he want to tell.

There were only two people Simon trusted. Rosh and Ayub. "And they can keep their mouths shut." Simon assured Wille. "And who are you going to tell?"
"I think I should tell my bodyguard, Malin, and my best friend, Felice. She's been to the galas too. I danced with her at the last one." And Simon began to bury himself in Wilhelms chest. "God, I'm so stupid," he muttered. "What?" Wilhelm asked and grabbed Simon's chin, making him look up again.
"I might have been, but only a little, jealous when I saw you." Wilhelm just laughed and kissed him. "No reason to be."

It was all quiet and wonderful. Until...
"Simon!" called a voice from outside the door and the two men jumped. "What's going on? You've been locked in all day, we're worried." said the voice, which Simon could now place with Rosh's.

"Fuck!" Simon muttered under his breath and jumped up. He rummaged for his pants, grabbing Wille's top and throwing it straight at him. They both dressed at lightning speed, accompanied by Rosh and Ayub's muffled voices banging on the door. Simon fixed Wille's absolutely disheveled hair before Wilhelms did the same to Simon. "Ready?" Simon asked, looking at Wilhelm, who seemed much calmer than Simon himself. "Not quite yet," said Wilhelm, pulling Simon to him and kissing him gently on the lips.

"Simon!" Ayub shouted from outside and Simon groaned. Wilhelm pulled away, gave him another kiss on the forehead before calmly opening the door. Ayub and Rosh were silent. Rosh, her hand still raised from knocking, took a step back wordlessly. "Evening." Wille said with a smile, looked over his shoulder and gave Simon a wink before disappearing. Simon knew that his nose and cheeks were completely red.

"Simon!" roared Rosh, "What the fuck was the fucking Crown Prince of fucking Sweden doing in your fucking room?"
Ayub just looked at him with his mouth still open. "For one thing, it would be nice if you could shout it a little more quietly, and for another: Language!" Simon said, walking past them and closing the door. "That doesn't change the fact that we were just within breathing distance of the crown prince." Rosh babbled on. Ayub was still standing with his mouth open. And Simon couldn't help it. He had no idea how else to address it.

"Oh, I was even closer than breathing distance."
Rosh's eyes almost fell out of her head and Ayub sat down on the armchair in the corner because otherwise he would probably have fainted.
"Did you fuck the fucking crown prince?"
"How long has that been going on?"
"The intercours since the last gala."
"SIMON! You weren't at the loo then, were you?"

"Speak plainly." Ayub whined and stood up again. "Short or detailed version?" Simon asked casually.
Rosh just looked at him with a look that said, "Isn't it obvious?"
And Simon told them everything. From the first tea to the tour in the garden; from the first kiss and their first time, to erik's birthday (without telling them where they were. Wilhelm had trusted him with that) and then to now. And damn it, it felt good to get the whole story out for once.

"I never expected the crown prince himself to be gay," Rosh said with a laugh. "It... Wille isn't gay. At least he doesn't know it yet," Simon defended.
"Wille? Please, at least call him Wilhelm. He's still the heir to the throne," she said. "Rosh, I had my tongue in his mouth and at other places you don't even wanne know about. And if you hadn't beaten on my door, I'd still have it there. So yes, I call him Wille. Because he lets me." Simon protested, going into his bathroom and closing the door behind him. And he just couldn't stop smiling. He pulled out his cell phone to see why it had been buzzing the whole time.

Wilhelm: And how did it go?
Wilhelm: Did they kill you?
Wilhelm: I could still hear her down the hall.
Wilhelm: Good that everyone is at dinner.
Wilhelm: Simme, I'm worried.
Simon: Everything's fine :> They're both at maximum effervescence and Ayub looks like he's been keeling over for 15 minutes but otherwise everything's fine <3
Wilhelm: <3

Simon took another breath and walked out of the door with a smile and washed hands, which he might should have done when he was still alone with Wille. Ayub still looked slightly pale and Rosh paced back and forth. Without looking up, Rosh began to talk again.

"And what now? We're here to sing for him. Not to fuck him." Rosh pointed out.
"God, Rosh, can you just not? But honestly, Rosh? I just want to enjoy what will be over in less than two months. Because then..." He couldn't bring himself to say it. It hurted just to think about it. And it wasn't even the reality.

"Will it hurt you badly?" Ayub asked, speaking for the first time in a while. Simon paused. He knew it was going to hurt like shit. Because despite the sneaking around, Wilhelm is the first one to do Simon good. In many ways. Because really, almost all the other men in his life have always been so shitty to him. But Wilhelm,

Wilhelm knew how Simon acted and like his tea after just two teas. Wilhelm knew nothing about himself and kept Simon around anyway. And the thought that he would just let him go at some point... He probably hated the thought more than he could ever hate his father.
„Yes." Simon said and dropped to the floor, "It's going to hurt like hell. But you know what? I think it'll be worth it." And he didn't know whether the tear on his cheek was from joy, fear or sadness.

A/N Imagine I'll just make them break up and never look back :O (I will not...). Also I am not at home so this is a bit shorter :>

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