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„Well, you look happy to see me." Sara said, looking at Simon in a little bit of a pitty. Simon didn't need the pitty. In the end it was his fault he looked like needed any. „Just not happy in general." he pushed the words out of his mouth, still hugging his sister. The two of them sat down and Sara didn't even try to dance around the subject. "Simon, you know you can talk to me about things, okay?" Simon just nodded silently and slowly looked up from the table. "So?" his sister continued. "I... I can't." he stammered and began to poke around in his piece of cake. "The cake's already dead, Simon. Now talk as best you can." Sara said and pulled the cake away from Simon. "Ey!" he said, but his sister just shrugged her shoulders. "Talk, then you'll get your cake."

"My goodness, all right. I've got something going on with someone." Sara's face lit up immediately, so he added: "But things aren't going so well at the moment." And the smile was gone again. "Define: Not so good. Please don't tell me this is another Marcus situation." Simon immediately shook his head, of course. Comparing Wille to Marcus was like comparing bread to an apple. Impossible and completely illogical.

"No, he's such a great person, really. He just can't really ... be open about it? It's complicated." It hurted to not being able to tell Sara more about it when he usually told her everything in detail. "So not a toxic asshole trying to manipulate you? Again?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. Simon just shook his head. "Simon, I can't help you if you don't tell me everything." And he wanted to tell her. By God, he wanted to tell her everything. But he couldn't even if he wanted to. But he could build something around it.

"We're talking hypothetically here, okay? Because hypothetically, he's supposed to marry a woman. In like a month. So I'm ghosting him right now because if I don't break it off, it'll hurt even more than it already does. Ow!" Sara kicked him under the table. "You're not really telling me you're ghosting him? Simon!" Simon knew exactly why Sarah was so pissed about it.

Simon had always done exactly this. Looking for the easy way out and not fighting for what he really wanted. And that usually ended in ghosting or breaking off contact. But it was worse with Marcus. Because he didn't let up. He wrote Simon hundreds of messages every day until he finally replied. He only got out of it because Sara forced Simon to. Otherwise he might still be trapped in a relationship with him. Marcus is now married, Simon thought. He had heard this from his mother, who was good friends with Marcus' mother. Their contact minimized when Simon and Marcus broke up. Infront of people they'd looked like the couple you'd see in the movies. But behind the curtains, psychological minipulation was Marcus' second name.

"Maybe." said Simon, collecting another kick from under the table, "OUCH!" A few heads turned to the two and he gave them an apologetic smile. "You really are a dumbass. I hope you know that." Sara grumbled and took a sip of her coffee. "I won't see him for a month anyway and then that's that." he argued and immediately regretted it when his sister's eyebrows shot up. "Please what?"

"Fuck." Simon muttered under his breath, "Even if I wanted to tell you, I can't, Sara. I can tell you in a month and that's it." Another skeptical look from Sara before she just nodded. "Okay. Can you tell me the reason why you can't tell me? So what legally binds you that you can't? And a promise doesn't count." Simon shrugged his shoulders and snatched his plate back from Sara, just so he could put a piece of cake in his mouth after saying "NDAs." Sara's eyes widened and she looked at Simon in surprise.

"Simon, I've been at tournaments for a month and you get involved in some criminal scandal where you probably met the love of your life. Are you serious?"
"In my defense, it's nothing criminal and it has been going on for liek the last two and a half months-ish." Whereby the way he felt to Wilhelm in that two and a half months felt criminal.
"TWO AND... you know what? Never mind. I don't even wanne know." Sara said, stuffing her mouth with cake.

Simon feeling bad was an understatement. He knew his sister understood, she was like that, but it still hurted him deep inside. Simon's cell phone vibrated but before he could look, Sara spoke again: "Simon?". It was soft and carring. The tone you'd expect form a sister when she wants to tell you something really important and you should listen. He looked up and looked his sister in the eye, "Yes?"
"At least promise me something." Simon nodded. "Put yourself first. If you really like him, then be with him for as long as you can. In the end, you're the only person who can decide what he wants." And he knew what she meant. Because she has been there. When it came to relationships, the Erikssons weren't really the examples you should look up to. It started with their mom, carried on with Sara's first boyfriend and concluded with Marcus and himself.

"Okay." Simon mumbled and gave her a weak smile. She excepted it anyway and smiled back. Simon looked forward to he evening after the gala when he would sit at home with his mother and his sister, and could tell them all the crazy shit that happened. But first he had to deal with something else. Wilhelm and...

August: Where's my money, Simon?

A/N The chapters will be longer soon, I promise <3

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