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(One week until the next gala)

Simon was glad that they had cleared up the argument they had, but it hadn't really done him much good. Firstly, because it still bothered him, but he also knew that there wasn't much Wilhelm could do about it and that right now he was only in meetings over meetings again and far too dead to leave his bed in the evening. And Simon understood, even if he was beginning to miss Wilhelm's touch. It's slightly pathetic, Simon thought.

But as the third and penultimate gala drew ever closer, it meant that Wilhelm was once again stuck in meeting after meeting. They texted from time to time and Simon always had to laugh at his messages during choir rehearsals. Ayub and Rosh always gave him knowing looks. They supported him, even if they still didn't quite understand how on earth Simon ended up in bed with the Crown Prince. But since the last evening before Wille was pulled into his meeting hole, the two of them had lost track of time. And so they played a little game with Ayub and Rosh when they were on time for once. To Simon's misfortune.

Wilhelm had just straightened his shirt and Simon had the perfectly normal thought of ripping it off him again when the door rattled. It was already very late and everyone was in their rooms. Except for...
"Simon," Ayub complained, "the corridor is always so cold." Simon gave Wille a surprised look. But he just raised an eyebrow and said, "Let's see what happens." Simon chuckled softly and walked to the door, closely followed by Wilhelm. He gave him another look, and there was something in his eyes that Simon couldn't quite read but then felt. Wille's arm was suddenly around his waist and pulled him closer. Simon opened the door.

With Wille's other hand, he turned Simon's face so that he could give him a quick kiss after Simon had opened the door. "You're crazy." Simon whispered against Willhelm's lips before giving him another kiss.
"Ayub, Rosh." Wille said, nodding once to each of them before walking away. "This will be tattooed on my eyeslids forever." Rosh said, half laughing, half shocked.

And so Simon found himself alone in his room at a shockingly late hour. Ayub and Rosh had gone to their rooms hours ago and said goodnight. But Simon lay awake. Not because he wanted to. But because a little voice in his head didn't want to stop talking. It went on and on, without pause. And it looked as if she didn't want to take a break. She was only disturbed by the sudden flashing of Simon's cell phone.

Wilhelm: I miss you.
Simon: I miss you too. But why the hell are you awake?
Wilhelm: Couldn't sleep. Thought tea might help.

And that's all Simon needed. He put on a black T-shirt that he somehow fished off the floor and wasn't bothered to change out of his gray sweatpants. With his cell phone in his pocket, he ran out of the room and closed the door as quietly as possible so as not to wake anyone. But luck was not very much on his side. Simon had forgotten to close his window and the door was slammed shut with a gust of wind. And Simon ran, thinking that a small cloud of dust forming behind him. And he kept on running. And the thought of having Wilhelm with him again was enough motivation to ignore the lack of air and the stinging in his chest.

He turned the last corner and saw a faint light shining from the kitchen. He stopped running, but jogged the last stretch. He held on to the doorframe as he came to a breathless halt. And there he sat. And by god Simon was sure that someone was playing a trick on him. Wilhelm sat there calmly, cup in hand. His hair was all over the place and it looked so good on him it hurted. And the mix of the moonlight and candlelight shining on his... clothes-free upper body. Simon's mouth went dry and his body did what he had been looking for for days.

"Did you run here?" Wilhelm asked as Simon came to stand in front of him. Simon raised an eyebrow in question. "You're absolutely red, that's why," Wilhelm said innocently. Simon's eyes traveled from Wilhelm's hair to his upper body to his legs and back up again. "Oh." Wilhelm said quietly with a certain smirk on his lips, understanding. He was about to open his mouth to say something, but Simon had already heard enough. He didn't want any more words. Just touch. And so he simply leaned forward and caught Wilhelm's mouth with his and a longing, desperate moan came from both of them at the same time, while the other caught it and swallowed it down.

Simon's hands found their way to Wilhelm's hips and he pulled him closer, Wille sliding off the chair because of it and now towering over Simon. Their kiss broke and Simon looked into Wille's eyes. Pupils large and dark and lips slightly open and red. "God, you're gorgeous." Simon whispered and tugged at Wille's waistband to pull him closer.
"Yours or mine?" Wilhelm asked barely audible and Simon knew exactly what he meant. He blew out the candles on the counter and planted another kiss on Wilhelm's lips. "Yours." Simon replied and led the way he already knew.

The cold corridors seemed warmer with Wilhelm at Simon's side, but he was still cautious as they roamed the halls. Someone might come around the corner and see one of two cenarios.
Number one: Simon holding Wille's hand and walking with him through the corridors, shoulder to shoulder. No want to hide it.
Number two: Simon (or Wilhelm) being overwhelmed by their feelings and pressing the other against a wall to kiss him as deeply as possible. To hold the other one. To the others touch like a burning brand, wihtout being burned. But somehow they made it into Wille's room unnoticed and closed the door behind them.

"My God," Wilhelm murmured as he was pushed against the door by Simon and Simon began kissing his way from his collarbone down his stomach and took down Wille's pants like his underpants.
"God," Wilhelm moaned so loudly that Simon didn't know if anyone else might have heard. But he was busy with other things to worry about.

They both found release and lay boneless in bed afterwards. It's a bit pathetic, Simon thought, that he barely had to be touched by Wilhelm and it could push him over the edge every time. But he still had so much self-control that he didn't do it until Wille had long since ascended to heaven and come back down to Simon and moaned in pleasure. It's a picture for the gods every time and Simon wants more of it. He wanted to become addicted to it, as if he wasn't already.

"We need to talk about this sometime." Wilhelm murmured and pulled Simon closer to him. Simon rested his head on his chest and breathed in and out deeply. "I know. But not yet. After the third gala, okay?" Simon said, looking up slightly. Wilhelm just nodded with a smile.
Because no matter how often Simon tried to convince himself that he would have to stop at some point, he still couldn't quite get used to the idea of letting go.

"You're causing me personality crises. I hope you're aware of that," Wilhelm said quietly, burying his nose in Simon's hair. Simon felt Wilhelm's nose run through his hair and sometimes felt a bit of warm air on the skin of his head. "How so?" Simon asked and began to draw small circles on Wilhelm's chest.
"I discussed my sexuality a bit with Felice," Wilhelm explained after a short pause. Simon turned so that he was lying on top of Wilhelm.

"You know it's okay that you don't know yet, right?" Simon said, afraid that he had ever conveyed anything else to Wille, but Wilhelm just nodded. "I know. But I'm queer? I think. I don't know as much about the subject as I should," he said with a nervous laugh. Simon kissed it off his lips. "You're very good at what you do. Trust me. And if you want, I can let you in on this a bit. Share." And with a smile on Wilhelm's lips, Simon forgets to go back to his room and took Wille through all of his knowledge about queerness. He is pretty sure Wille's eyes sparkeled at few keywords. In the end he fell asleep on Wille's chest and doesn't think he would want to be anywhere else right now.

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