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(five days until the first gala)

Simon took one last look around the small room he had called his home for the last few months. The smallest apartment in Sweden. A small room with gray concrete walls and a small window, from which one could look at the next house wall. A small bed in the corner and sink and mini fridge in the other. In the third corner was a shelf with clothes and next to it a small box with the things he would take with him. He picked it up now and left his "apartment".

In front of the door of the apartment block stood a van that would take Simon to where he needed to go. A van with the logo of the royal house on it. A man got out and took the box like the backpack Simon had on him and placed it in the trunk next to two suitcases.
Simon got into the van at the same time, not knowing who the other two suitcases belonged to.

"Hi." said a young woman, holding out her hand to Simon. She had long brown hair and one of the most beautiful smiles Simon had seen so far. Her brown eyes were shining with excitement. Simon had enough on his mind that he could block out the excitement very well. She looked around as old as him, twenty.

"Hi. I'm Simon." he said, smiling and taking the girl's hand. "I'm Fredrika." she said. After Simon buckled up, they drove off. And since there was no other person in the van, he assumed that Fredrika was the contributor of both suitcases. He was a bit ashamed that she had two suitcases and he only had a box and a backpack. But he couldn't change it now, could he? And he didn't have anything for two suitcases anyway.

They drove through Stockholm until they eventually drove up the driveway to the castle. "Aren't you excited?" asked Fredrika, looking out of the window, and Simon was sure that her makeup would leave a mark on the glass, the way she pressed her nose against it.
"Not really." he replied stadily, unbuckling his seatbelt in advance. The brunette just shook her head, but did the same as Simon. They got out and took their things out of the trunk. The driver said nothing more. He just pointed to the entrance and walked away. Rude, Simon thought. The man didn't even bother to smile.

At the entrance stood a young man who looked about the same age as Simon and Fredrika themselves. "Welcome," the man said, looking down at a clipboard, "Simon and Fredrika, right?" The two nodded, Fredrika more smiling than Simon. He realised he wasn't really better then the driver at that moment. "All right. You two are the last of the choir to arrive here. I'm Alexander, your contact if you need anything or have a problem. I'd show you to your rooms and then I'll settle you in a bit, okay?" asked Alexander kindly, taking a suitcase from Fredrika and walking in without waiting for an answer.

They walked through the corridors of the castle until they arrived in a hallway in front of which there was a sign that read: "Choir Rooms." Each room had a sign with the name of the person living in it, on the door. Fredrika's room was right at the beginning and when she saw it she ran straight to it. "Wait!" Alex called after her. She turned around and caught the key that Alxander threw to her. „Now to your room." he said to Simon already searching.

Simon looked around a bit while Alexander searched for his room. The floor was a brown parcel, but on it was a long red carpet frosted with gold lines on each of the sides. Kitschy, Simon thought. In the corridor, on the left side were the rooms of the choir people and on the right a window front. The windows went from floor to ceiling and each of these windows had its own curtain. The sunlight shone through the hallway and Simon knew he would have to get used to it. "HERE!" it called from the other end of the hallway and Simon turned his head away from the windows and walked towards Alexander who was now opening a door. On it was written: "Simon Eriksson".

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