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(End of July)

Wilhelm shivered once again from a new breeze of wind. "I told you to put on another jacket," Simon said with a laugh. They walked shoulder to shoulder along the thin path that Wilhelm had last walked months ago. It seemed wider then, than it was now. "My hands are cold," Simon announced, making a grand gesture before taking Wilhelm's hand, which was actually warm despite the wind. Shoulder to shoulder; hand in hand, they walked around the lake in front of the castle. They still had about three hours before Simon's mom's plane would land.

"How are we going to do this later?" Wilhelm asked, waving their hands a little in the air, the path now wide again and it looked like it would be for a while. "Huh?" Simon said, looking at him in confusion. "Well, do you want me to come in with you or should I wait in the car?" he explained, but Simon only looked even more confused. "Wille, I don't really care. It's up to you whether you want the press to know we're at an airport, or not. And I think your mother would prefer it to be through the statement release on Wednesday rather than like this. But honestly? Do what you want, babe." Simon said, lifting their hands and placing a kiss on Wilhelm's palm. Wilhelm noticed how his cheeks were no longer cold but totally hot.

"So Car." he mumbled, "How do you always manage to give me my answer and then say: But it's your decision.?" Simon chuckled lightly while Wilhelm just looked at him. How that one curl fell into his face; how he laughed and his whole body laughed with him; how the sun softened the sharp edges of his face. "It's something you learn in toxic relationships." Simon said, looking up at him. Wilhelm didn't know what to say and stopped, Simon did the same and looked up, confused. A smile crept onto his lips. "You have beautiful eyes." Wilhelm murmured and placed his hand on Simon's cheek, his thumb slowly running over his cheekbone.

"Thanks." Simon said in a nervous tone, overlaid with an equally nervous laugh. But it sounded more like a question than a statement. "I mean it. You have beautiful eyes and a wonderful smile." Wilhelm insisted, but didn't stop, "I love the little things you do that you don't realize yourself. For example, the little things you do in the morning. Just before you wake up, your fingers always twitch slightly before you reach for something, usually my hand. And I always give it to you, because I always will." The smile that spread across Simon's face made Wilhelm's heart grow to an indescribable size. He wanted to kiss it off his face. Oh wait, he could. So he did just that.

"Why are you telling me all this?" Simon asked, laughing between kisses. Wilhelm's joy was so great he felt like he was going to explode. "Because it's true and because I can do it. But mainly because you deserve it, love."
They didn't move for the next half hour, arm in arm, sweet nothings in the air.


"Anything I need to watch out for when it comes to your mom?" Wilhelm asked, placing his hand on Simon's thigh. He didn't know how, but somehow he managed to persuade his mother to drive alone. Well, "alone" with security a little further away from Wilhelm's car. The tinted windows of his car suited him just fine. "Not really. Just be ready for her to talk to me in fast Spanish. I'll try to translate it somehow, if she's nice. I haven't really told her about you. Or having a boyfriend at all." Simon said with a smile. He put his hand on Wilhelm's and he couldn't help but smile. The feel of Simon's hand in his was like a shock shooting through his body.

He stopped the car when they were finally in front of the airport. "Are you nervous?"  Wilhelm asked, Simon's hand in a hard grip, who was biting his lip and looking out of the window. "Yes, but not for the reason you think," he murmured. "I would have said that the reason is that I'm your boyfriend, you've only had boyfriends in your life who have treated you like shit, and I'm the future King of Sweden on top of all that. Right?" Simon chuckled softly. "Okay, yeah, that sums it up pretty well."
"It'll be fine," Wilhelm reassured him and gave Simon a kiss on the center console, "Just go in there, get your mom and the rest will work itself out." He pushed the sunglasses on his face that had been hanging from his T-shirt until a moment ago. "Okay." Simon said with a sigh, gave him another kiss and swung out of the car.

Wilhelm had imagined something else when he thought about meeting Simon's mother. But when she stepped out of the airport doors with Simon, he understood where Simon got his big smile from. Simon opened the trunk and Wilhelm only understood snatches of the rapid Spanish Linda was speaking. "New car... great... joy." And even though it was only small parts, Wilhelm had to stop himself from laughing but a smile big enough. It wasn't Simon's car but Wilhelm's afterall. He pushed his sunglasses a little further up his nose before the door behind the passenger seat swung open and Simon started speaking Swedish again.

"We'll drive home now and then you'll get your explanation."
"Explanation?" Linda asked confused and sat down in the back seat, but more words probably died on her lips when she saw Wilhelm. "Simon, who's sitting in your car?" And now Wilhelm could no longer suppress his laughter. "Shut up." Simon said with a laugh and closed the back door before opening the passenger door. "Just shut up."
"I didn't say anything, love." Wilhelm mumbled, only to see Linda looking even more confused through the rear-view mirror. "I'll explain it to you at home, Mom. But that, that's Wille. My boyfriend." And from then on, there was nothing but Spanish cursing from the back seat until they pulled up in front of the house. Simon translated a few things for Wilhelm but mostly just held his hand. "And she doesn't even know the main part of us." he mumbled quietly, covered by his mother's babbling. Wilhelm just laughed quietly.

He didn't dare take his glasses off, but once they were in the house he needed another excuse, so he mumbled "I'm going to the toilet.", gave Simon a quick kiss on the cheek and then disappeared around the corner. He didn't go to the toilet though, he just stood there and tried to listen, but gave up very quickly because he didn't understand anything. So he really did go to the loo. When he returned, he had hung his sunglasses back onto his T-shirt. Wilhelm entered the room and saw Linda looking at her son with her jaw practically on the floor. He paused and stood in the doorway for a moment, arms crossed. Simon looked up slightly to look at him, his eyes signaling to Wilhelm that he should move his ass next to him. So he did. As soon as he sat down, his boyfriend grabbed his hand. Wilhelm squeezed the hand once and looked back at Linda, who looked immensely shocked, but her mouth was closed again.

"Mom, say something," Simon pleaded. "I want to talk to him alone." Linda demanded, in Swedish this time, looking at Wilhelm, not Simon. Wilhelm looked at Simon and simply nodded. So said slowly stood up and left. Now Wilhem was alone with Linda, and he had never been so afraid to talk to a person as he was now. But as soon as the door closed behind Simon, her features softened. "You know about his past?" she asked cautiously after a moment of silence, but he nodded. "Yes, he told me a few things. I'm not... I'm not like the, excuse my language, assholes that were with him before."
"I know." Linda interrupted him and continued immediately when she saw Wilhelm's questioning face.

"I know my son, Crown Prince-"
"Wilhelm is just fine."
"Okay. I know my son, Wilhelm. I know how the others have hurt him and I haven't seen him as happy as he is with you by his side for a long time. So I only have one request. Don't be like everyone else. Simon probably looks tough on the outside, but his heart is just as fragile as everyone else's. If not more so. If not more fragile. Can you promise me that you will be the one to make Simon really happy and be there for him? That you don't hurt him as much as everyone else in his life has so far?"

Wilhelm paused for a moment and looked at Linda before answering:
"I love him. I've never felt as strongly for anyone as I do for Simon. I would be stupid to let him go or hurt him. In any way." Linda gave him a satisfied smile. Just then the door flew open. "Amen, you didn't kill him. Okay, Wille, congratulations, today you get to meet not only my mother but also the tornado I call my sister." Wilhelm laughed lightly and simply smiled at Simon because he couldn't do anything else.

"Coffee, tea? Anyone?" Linda asked, rising. "I would have some tea. No matter which one. Thank you." replied Wilhelm with a smile. "Keep him." Linda said to Simon in Spanish and disappeared. Simon turned to Wilhelm with a slight blush on his cheeks. "Did she threaten you in any way?" Simon asked directly and he couldn't help but laugh. "No, I should just promise not to hurt you." Wilhelm said, still smiling broadly as he watched Simon walk across the room and sit down on his lap. "Are you planning to hurt me?"
"I'd rather die." Wilhelm murmured before pressing a kiss to Simon's mouth.

A/N One more to go🥹💜 💜

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