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(Two nights until the last gala)

"Have you made up your mind?" Kristina asked Wilhelm, her folded hands on the table in front of her. If Wilhelm hadn't been able to reassure himself that he was alone with his mother, sweat would be running down his face like waterfalls. But right now it was only his hands that were soaked with sweat, because even though he had been thinking about what he wanted to say for hours, if he opened his mouth in a few seconds he would be lying to his mother. The Queen of Sweden at that. And it is harder to lie to someone when the whole country is behind it, as when you just lie about going to bed, just to sneak out. Not that he ever did.

"So?" Wilhelm's mother asked again and Wilhelm breathed in and out deeply. "Yes, I did," he finally answered his mother's question. "Oh, Wilhelm, that's wonderful." she said with a broad smile on her lips. She stood up, walked around the table and embraced her son. After a brief silence, Kristina let go of Wilhelm and took Wilhelm's face in her hands. "Who did you choose?" she asked. Wilhelm's chest tightened at the smile on her face. Kristina may not always have been a good mother, but she was his mother. The woman who raised him.

"Felice." he pressed through his lips. Her smile didn't disappear, the contrary, it only got bigger. "Felice? Oh, I knew it. I knew when you were little that you would be a wonderful pair one day." She circled her table again and sat down. "I want you to give a speech in which you thank all the women before taking Felice on stage with you. Just to symbolize that you will be a wonderful royal couple." If only you knew, thought Wilhelm.

"I can do so." he said instead and stood up. "I still have something to do. I won't be with you for dinner tonight, I'm sorry." Kristina made a slight gesture with her hand. "That's okay. Even though there are still two days to go, I know you're probably a bundle of nerves right now!" He gave a silent nod and turned to leave. "You know," his mother interrupted him, "I know it hasn't been easy the last few years. For neither of us. But I'm glad we're doing this together, darling." And Wilhelm couldn't look at her. He moved cautiously towards the door, knowing that she would say something else. "I love you, Wilhelm. I'll see you tomorrow." And with an absolutely deep-seated feeling of guilt, he stepped into the hallway of the castle and walked to his room, lost in thought.

"So?" asked Simon as Wilhelm dropped onto the bed next to him, his head still spinning. "It'll be fine," he mumbled, his face pressed into the bedspread. Simon laughed lightly, running his fingers carefully through Wilhelm's hair. Warmth flowed through him, the feeling like a rush he could never get enough of. "I'm here, you know? You can talk to me." Simon said and shook him a little, a gentle signal. Wilhelm slid a little until he was finally lying on top of his boyfriend. It still felt strange to call him that. Boyfriend. But at the same time, it was exactly what felt right. Like a piece of the puzzle that had been missing from Wilhelm's chaos of a life for years.

"So, how are you?"
He turned his head slightly to look Simon in the eye. Wilhelm was never a sentimental person. You could have told Felice his current thoughts and she wouldn't have believed you. Because, Wilhelm, for whom it is enough to look into Simon's eyes and see meaning in life again? Impossible. "Good again." he whispered as he leaned forward slightly to place his lips lightly on the others cheek, briefly, before hiding his face in Simon's neck. "And why not before?" Simon didn't let up and wouldn't until Wilhelm spoke plainly. Because, funnily enough, Wilhelm had promised to be honest.

"Because I've just lied to my mother. And the Queen of Sweden, if I may remind you." Simon raised an eyebrow. "Unfortunately, I'm painfully aware of that. But not for very much longer, do I see that right, my king?" he asked in that playful tone that showed Wilhelm that Simon wanted to change the mood of the conversation, so he played along. He shifted his position, sitting one leg on either side of Simon's hip, one hand on the pillow next to his head, while with the other he began to twirl Simon's curls around his index finger. "You do indeed see that correctly, my prince." Simon laughed before wrapping an arm around Wilhelm's waist, turning him around with a surprising amount of force and it was Simon sitting on him with one leg on each side of his hip and Wilhelm placed his hands on Simon's hips like a magnet.

"That will be a thing, won't it?" laughed Simon and Wilhelm nodded. "Well, prince conssort, but almost everyone will say prince anway." Something shone in Simon's eyes and an indescribable feeling spread through Wilhelm's chest, and he wanted it forever. He wanted to tattoo the broad smile on Simon's lips in his memory, to see it forever. Without hesitation, he pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and had a picture of the exact sight before Simon could protest. "You're so stupid." Simon giggled, but kissed Wilhelm anyway. "You make me go stupid, love." he murmured against Simon's lips before kissing him again.

They spent the rest of the day in bed between crumpled sheets and make outs as if they were teenagers. Wilhelm wouldn't have wanted it any other way. And then Simon became restless. As if something had suddenly clicked in his head. "What's wrong?" he asked, pulling Simon closer to him. Simon just sighed. "I... I wrote something and thought about asking Fernandez if I could do it for the last gala, but then there's the problem of..."
"Do it." Wilhelm interrupted him.
"Do what?"
"Perform the song. Do it. For me."
"Shall I play it for you?"

Wilhelm thought for a moment. "Do you have the lyrics with you?"
"Yes, on my phone." Simon said, "Why?"
"Sing it here. Without the piano. Just your voice." Simon looked at him doubtfully before reaching over Wilhelm and taking his phone from where it lay on the bedside cabinet. "Okay." he mumbled and typed a little on his phone before sitting up properly to get a better breath.

Met over tea and some latenight talks
Started talking about places I may never walk
But than you promised me one single night
You wouldn't stop what we have until I'd see them in daylight

When Wilhelm realized that the song was about him, that indescribable feeling returned to his chest. That warmth and a little pride. Proud that he had someone who could do something like that. Proud that Simon was his.

And now I wonder if there's another lifetime
In which you're someone else's and not mine
But if it is your body next to me at night
Yeah, than that is what I want for the rest of my life

When Simon was finished, WIlhelm simply hugged him as tightly as he could. Sometimes Wilhelm wanted to make a little cave in his chest so that Simon could live there forever. "It's beautiful." he murmured into Simon's hair, "Do it on Saturday. For me. And after the gala again for me alone with the piano." Simon pulled back a little to just look Wilhelm in the eye. "Okay." he said and Wilhelm laughed.

Simon laughed as Wilhelm twirled him around and he wanted to lock that sound in a jar and keep it forever, and he didn't care. He didn't care that the whole world had something against them and he didn't care how many problems would arise if this came to light. He would move mountains to make Simon happy. Hell, he would, and he did, put the whole royal line on the line just to wake up next to him in the morning and brush away that little curl that fell across his face.

He brushed the curl away like he did every morning, carefully, so Simon wouldn't wake up. Light orange light from the sunrise shone on Simon's slightly toned skin. Wilhelm slid closer to him, circling Simon's hips with his arms. He gently kissed the top of his head and buried his nose in his hair. A light knock on the door made him look up again while he hoped Simon hadn't heard it. He looked at him again, pulled the blanket up a little as Simon got closer to him and then said softly: "Yes?"

Malin stuck her head through the door. She smiled slightly at the sight of them. "The meeting with the Queen is in an hour." She paused briefly and looked at Simon again, who was drooling slightly on Wilhelm's chest and smiled. "Should I ask if they could push the appointment back another hour?" Wilhelm looked briefly at Simon and nodded slightly: "Thank you." Malin simply nodded and closed the door again. "Mountains." Wilhelm mumbled and closed his eyes again.

A/N The final line is getting closer, everybody 🥹🥹

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