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After our little talk in cafe, Samarth sent me back to my apartment

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After our little talk in cafe, Samarth sent me back to my apartment. "You sure you guys just kissed he didn't—" He whispered near my ears

"Samarth you fucker" I kicked him and ran inside the building. As I entered the apartment I heard loud sounds from kitchen.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

"Haarsh?" I called him, he was inside the kitchen keeping more like banging the containers on base.

Is he pissed?

"What's wrong? Haarsh?" I asked as I stood in front of him. He ignored me and passed by me. "Are you deaf and what are you doing huh?"

He glared at me and said, "Cooking" He said sternly. "Now if you permit then I would like to cook in peace"

"Something is wrong with you. You were all fine this morning" I sighed. "Yes and thanks to you. You destroyed my mood"

"What? I didn't even do anything. I wasn't even here" I said, his head snapped towards me and he took long strides towards me.

I took my steps back only to be collapsed with kitchen base He captured me between his hands.

"THAT'S THE POINT YOU WEREN'T EVEN HERE... you left me and went on a date with your jerkass boyfriend!" He banged his hands on base, looking very pissed.

"Date? Boyfriend?" My eyes widen. "I didn't knew I had a boyfriend" I gasped.

"Stop playing Jaanvi!" He snapped. "What? Really I didn't knew I had a boyfriend— no I mean I don't even have a boyfriend"

"Then who the fuck is samarth to you?" He came close to my face. His jaw clenched, he truly is pissed off. His ember orbs held mine with no way out.

My breathe hitched with the proximity we were sharing. "H-Haarsh, M-move away a little"

"No Jaanvi not until you tell me who is he to you? Since you came here you are ignoring me and being with him. Why is he so close to you? What does he mean to you"

"He is my friend Haarsh and he means a lot to me" my voice came out as a whisper. His eyes instantly showed hurt and anger.

"He should'nt.... It should be me close to you, It should be me you want to spend your time with, the one you look for when you want to share something, It should be me Jaanvi I want it to be me.... Why him?" He looked so vulnerable at the moment.  

"What do you want Haarsh?"

"You... I want you. Are you that dumb Jaanvi?" He snapped. "I am here Haarsh, I am with you—"

"Not as a friend damnit. I want you as a—" He stopped his words.

"As a what Haarsh? AS A WHAT?" I pushed him. "You are playing with my feelings Haarsh, You are making me confused. There are moments I feel like whatever we have is just not friendship but then I remember you don't feel anything for me"

"Jaanvi listen to me—"

"No Haarsh, I haven't forgot the day I confessed. You made it clear you don't feel anything for me then why now suddenly you are acting like this? Why does it matter to you if I have a boyfriend or not!" I shouted at him.

He pulled me towards him in seconds and I was collided on his hard chest. His hands grabbed my waist tightly and another one cupped my left cheek.

"Listen to me Jaanvi, listen very carefully. I like you and no it's not suddenly I have liked you since we came close Jaanvi but You never noticed it. It was never just friendship between us cuz I never wanted it to be just friendship I wanted more. I wanted to tell you but I was afraid I didn't wanted to loose you"

"You were brave than me and confessed, but you know why I  said "we can't"? Cuz we were so young, we were so young to be in a long distance relationship. We had to make our dreams come true, make our careers first, I didn't wanted be selfish"

"Although I was always afraid that you will move on from me and fall for someone else, all I could do was to wish you don't. Everyday I wished to meet you someday and tell you that I like you so damn much, I was sacred and insecure that you'll choose someone else over me. It was even more hurtful for me cuz Knowing that I had a chance I had to slip it away from me"

All this while I was just looking at his vulnerable state, he was begging me from his eyes to believe him and give him chance.

"You like me?" I was in daze, I can't seem to believe it. "You are lying" I looked at him accusingly.

He looked at me for seconds while biting his lips and then asked. "Did you regret the kiss we shared today?"

"W-what?" I shrieked

"Yes or no?" His demanding voice gave me shivers.

I blushed and closed my eyes and took long breathe, "N-No" I said in a small voice. "Great, Now let me show you if I am lying or not" said Haarsh. Before I can think he kept his lips on mine.

His left hand, made his way into my hairs, and right and was on my waist, caressing it. His soft lips moved with mine in sync. I pulled him more closer to me by grabbed his collar.

He sucked my lower lip, and licked it asking the permission to enter my mouth. When I didn't then he suddenly lifted me up and set me on kitchen counter without breaking the kiss.

I gasped by the sudden movement and he took the Chance to enter my mouth, his tongue explored me. He pulled more closer I could feel him hard down there, unknowingly I moaned.

We broke the kiss, "That was..."

"Amazing" he completed my sentence smiling eye to eye as if he won the world.

We looked at each other for a moment, "Ok now let me cook something for my girlfriend"

This pissed me off, what girlfriend? He just kissed me while he have a girlfriend?

"What girlfriend Mr. singhania?"

"You... You are My girlfriend" he said so casually. This made me blush but I cleared my throat "What me? When did you asked me? When did I even said yes?" I teased.

"Oh my... Are you by any chance thinking do you think that I will let you go after we kissed so intensely three times then you are wrong. But still I will ask you"

He took a Cauliflower and sat on his knees, "Jaanvi sharma, Will you be my girlfriend?"

I laughed loudly, he too was holding his laugh, "Yes I will"

We both laughed holding our stomach. He kissed on my forehead and started cooking.

"Why did you ignored me then? When you came to London not just me but other too?"

"It wasn't intentional, I tried my best to give you guys time but I got so much on my plate since I came here it was so hard living here. I always thought to message you guys after a year I did once my life settled a little but maybe you all changed your number"

"Hmm yeah"


Hey lovelies! Finally the confessed.

You think I moving too fast? I actually... Um had not much thoughts about confession, this is at the moment plan😂

I really hope you liked it....

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Arcane 🖤

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