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Cleveland POV

After Iowa told me to find Leviathan. I went back just to find the ship, or you would likely call a "fortress" due to the size that makes an H-45 Class look like an ant when compared to Leviathan's ship.

"Wonder if I can ask her for some weapons blueprints. Who knows?" Cleveland said sarcastically as she headed to where the ship was, just to find that it was moving towards her as it appeared on the radar.

"Did she just... Nevermind......" I look at the radar which is showing an island size object moving toward me. Looks like she can predict what we are trying to do huh?

Leviathan POV

I'm thinking of what Iowa is trying to do so I decided to risk the exposure of my ship to them. As I thought, one ship designated as Cleveland shows up as I'm about to check up on one of my ICBMs. Well, guess the schedule is delayed for now.

I stood up. Stretching myself and going to the front deck to greet her. I had nothing to do besides the delayed schedule.

"Hm.. What did I miss?" I asked myself as I tried to see the sunlight that was covered in the thick fog. "Might try it later" I chuckled as I gave up on trying to see sunlight. Maybe later would be better. Just as I arrived, she showed up with a slight fear on her face. Well...... What do you expect when seeing a ship that came from alternate Earth?

"Oi you" Cleveland said out as she pointed her finger at me. "You are coming with me!"


"Iowa asked for you to become her ally. You should accept it."

"............" I stop for a second before continuing "Why?"

"I don't know. Just accepted it. I don't think you can shrug off her nuclear shell."

"Fine" I said out as I slithers back to the bridge as she skates back. Wonder what's in Iowa's mind to ask me to become an ally. Well, not like she can withstand my SGM-135B anyway......

As I sailed my ship closer to where Iowa was. Multiple F6F Hellcat ,mixed with 4 of F-14D Tomcat were opening fire at me. In response, I use one of my AA, the "RIM-179 Medusa" to shoot down all the planes.

4 missiles roared as it launched itself out of the tube. Emitting blue trails. Few seconds later, a bright blue fireball flashed in the sky. As I expected. Iowa was calling me and yelled about what I just did.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DID!?!?" Iowa yelled through the radio in anger.

"Just swat the fly. Nothing to worry about" I said out sarcastically. Somehow anger Iowa even more. I can't help but devilishly giggle. "You want me to come with you or what?"

Iowa just sighs as she says that upon entering their base. I need to obey every word that comes out of her mouth since I designated myself with the USS prefix. I just say yes. I mean, I don't know much about them, so it's best to observe what they can do. For now...

Timeskip 2 hours.

Iowa POV

Right now. I'm looking at a ship that is hundreds of times larger than mine. I can't help but wonder what kind of warfare she was deployed to? Why does she need to be this large? Isn't it a waste of resources to build this massive ship? They're thinking of like... "Unsinkable Floating Fortress"? If that's so then they're too serious about the size.

I couldn't keep my curiosity and went to her ship. Just to find that there's something that looks like a long rod that resembles a rocket with a tube design. It's clearly larger than the V2 Rocket from what I remember. She's currently pulling it out from the vertical tube and doing... check up?

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