The Red Dawn of The Iron

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Note: This chapter contains graphics, proceed with your own risk.

4.00AM, the next day. A time where most of the life in the world is resting, except Leviathan who is currently on the way to the Iron Blood territory. She makes one last check before looking at the sky as her helo flies at sea skimming level.

"Wonder what shit I'll face today..." Levi said and watched the light of the Iron Blood base in the distance. She's ready to murder someone, or something.

The Iron Blood base was in sight, multiple AA guns and coastal defense cannon were offline, assuming it used manpower to control. She landed the helo beside the fuel depot and stepped out of the helo. Their HQ was at the center of the island and it was tall enough to see from every direction. The HQ also has some corridors that are designed to house the AA batteries. The spotlight lit up and the siren's go off as the footsteps of many people rushed to the batteries.

"So they know something's off huh? Good. Less time to sneak around and avoid obstacles then." Levi said and slammed the chamber close. She then "walked" straight to the HQ. She sees many people running around, guns in their hands. She pays no mind and continues to walk to the HQ.

After some time, she feels that something is off. The footsteps that she could hear from a very far distance now fell silent. She then noticed that something was in the bushes. Before she was able to high ready her super shotty. Many people appear out of the bush and aim HK-416 at her.

"A 20th century gun? thought it was an MG-42." She said and about to take aim. However, she gets shot by HK-416 in all directions, followed up with a couple of grenades. Everyone approaches the smoke slowly as they reload the gun. When smoke cleared, it revealed Levi standing there, unscratch.

"K-KANSEN!!!" The soldier then ran away, some of them stabbed her with a knife but it snapped in half on contact. The soldier who stabbed her now turned pale and ran away.

"What the fuck is this guy?" Levi paid no mind and continued to walk to the HQ. This time, something is roaring from the HQ itself. Levi now let out a smile and started sprinting to the building. Any soldier that finds her tries to shoot her but she's too fast to shoot at."Report! We found the intruder! She's heading to the castle!!!" The soldier reports and runs after.

Levi is now running to the castle-like building. She looks around to find the entrance, the Flak 88 shooting at her but she narrowly dodges it as she continues running. She found an entrance and wasted no time, kicking it wide open. Alerting the soldier inside as they shoot at her, the bullet bounces off but they don't stop shooting.

"Please save ammo for your stupid mistakes." Levi said to them but they didn't listen, she then took aim and fired a shot toward the bunker that was positioned in front of her as a warning shot. The pellets of the Demonic empowered 4 dual barrel gauge shotgun, completely tearing it down, along with the soldier inside. They all shock and start to step back as there are no weapons that can take down a 40 centimeters thick reinforced concrete. Unless it was held by Kansen.

They all gulp and look at each other, then continue shooting. Levi sighs out and pulls out the Heavy Cannon then shoots everyone in the room with pinpoint accuracy. Their bodies drop down to the floor as Levi walks over them. She feels pity for those who need to fight something they can't fight such as herself, but there are no rules in war. She then walks to find the office room.

Along the hallway, many soldiers come in to stop her. They all drop down to the floor as they get a 20 mike mike punch through their skull. Levi smirks as more and more of the poor soul come straight to her. She shoots as she walks forward.

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