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Note: this chapter contain graphics, proceed with you own risk.

"Set course 1 6 0, half speed ahead." Leviathan said and laid back on the chair.

"Turning to 1 6 0, half speed ahead." The computer replied.

Her ship was clashing against the waves as it was going to Hawaii at a steady pace of 150 knots, it was indeed a good day for a face to face battle.

"Anything new on radar?" Montana asked everyone around her.

"Nothing is picked up on my radar."

"Me neither."

"Hey gang, what is that?"

The one of many Kansens in the fleet pointed towards the horizon let to their side, it has a long-black metallic rod peek over from the horizon. They decided to send the Destroyer in for a closer look. Atlanta requested a retreat back to base, in which Montana agreed to let her go back.

"Anything you see?"

"It was... some sort of a warship, but the size is somewhat mismatched."


"Well, my calculations show that the ship was wider than 200 meters but that is impossible!"

"Okay, calm down and get back. We'll deal with it together."

The Destroyer then replied and headed back to the fleet while pushing her worries aside.

Back at the fleet, Atlanta protested who it could be but Montana replied that it was too impossible to be real. She is frustrated and asks to stay behind the fleet with the true intention of not wanting to die from battle against 'her.'

"So, that ship will come towards us from the left, we'll set up a pincer attack formation while me, other battleships and carriers will be in the middle for distraction. When everyone was in the position, fire everything, artillery, torpedo, everything. There's no way a mere ship can't survive that much punishment." Montana briefing to everyone in the fleet and the plan was set into motion.

Seconds pass by......

Minutes pass by............

Everyone waits for that ship to be within their trap radius as Montana opens fire on it and slowly sails away from it, pretending they were damaged.

"C'mon your little bitch, bite us." Montana grunts as she keeps pouring shells.

The unknown ship that they presumably hostile is sailing right into their traps, unaware of what'll happen next.

"Something ain't right..." Leviathan notices that there's another ship sitting at the sideline, doing nothing. At the same time as they all saw the size of the ship they're dealing with, making them terrified, but Montana boosted everyone's morale with her speech.

"Do not be afraid! Nothing can stop us if we do it together!!!"

This makes them pull themselves together and start the plan, Leviathan notices that the sideline ship is making moves, she realizes it was a trap they have set up.

"These little girls always surprise me." Leviathan chuckles and activates all weapons. But she notices rumbling as the wall of torpedoes hit her both port and starboard side. "Ion Cannon, low charges."

"We scored a hit!"

"Good! Keep hitting 'em!!!"

They release another volume of torpedoes, as they all heard a low humming noise with bright blue lights emitted from one of her secondary.

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