Blitz der Bestrafung

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3rd POV

After the sudden appearance of the Siren. Wales has decided to go back to Royal Navy HQ to report this event. Iowa has gone back to her room and written the report.

"Fucking hell. Why can't I be like her?" Iowa muttered as she wrote down everything she saw, from the weapons capabilities to the scene where Leviathan tore Alpha down. Iowa threw up 2 times in the toilet while writing.

Leviathan side, 3rd POV

We're seen Leviathan reading the intel gathered by hacking into the military satellites across the globe. The only news she got was a frequent mention of "Siren" She is interested in it since humans can't fend them off while shipgirl can, which does not make any sense.

""To end the war, you must fear them." I think I heard this somewhere. Well, time to use it." She said as she stood up and slither to the lower decks where the armory was located.

"Uh...... Where is the... Nevermind." Leviathan trying to find something Illegal. Turns out there's one weapon that can do the job.


The weapon that relies only on kinetic energy and the only weapon that rivals the Star Of Death. With this weapon, she can use it to negotiate about the Axis allying with the Siren.

"I need to uhhhhh... go ask- wait, what is the equivalent of the kriegsmarine of this Universe?"

Leviathan quickly rushed to the transporter room, grabbed the visor and stood on the circular plate, then pressed the earphone button. The device quickly teleports her to the Eagle Union docks.

Eagle Union, docks area

Essex, along with the Eagle Union mightiest warriors, the Grey Ghost. Have been sitting in a chair near the docks. Just when Leviathan teleports right beside them, Essex jumps and about to shoot, but realizes it was Leviathan and lowers her guns.

"Leviathan, finally. Are you ready to introduce yourself?"

"Uh... yeah. I guess. Just tell me, what is the name of the affiliation that has the ship name Bismarck?"

"Ohhhh... Iron Blood. Why do you ask?"

"Can you invite them? Also along with the Sakuran leader. I need to teach them that they are messing with me, who can curbstomp Go- I mean, Mortal in Nonecxenultillion of times in less than instant." She said and maniacally laughed.

"Uhh... Should we do what she said?" Essex asked out and turned to enterprise.

"We should- wait, not should. We Must do it. We don't know how many things she can do, it's best to do what she said for now." Enterprise said and sprinted to the radio room.

"W-wait!" Essex sprint after.

After a radio with both Iron Blood and Sakura Empire is done. Essex quickly ran back to where Leviathan was. When she arrived there, Leviathan was gone, but there was paper left on the chair. Essex quickly grabbed it up and read.

[[You might be in a hurry, so I'll make this short. I'll make preparations for a few of my weapons explanations. Asked everyone to meet at the meeting room that was under the dorm area. I'll meet you there tomorrow at 10.00 hours.]]

After Essex finished the read. The paper burns itself. Essex flinched and threw it away and watched as the paper burned until nothing remained.

"What kind of Siren is she?" Essex wanders and walks around the base to tell everyone to go to the meeting room.

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