Calm Breeze Before Storm

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After a week, Leviathan finally arrives at Micronesia, she surprise attacks them with 4 planes and single V-29 with the modification to be able to install a missile pylon mount in the cargo bay.

After she had taken care of any military installation on the said islands later known to be for the small Sakuran ships who protested against the project Orochi. She then lies down on the beach and looks at her phone which shows the time '14.33PM.'

(I might start the attack by tomorrow, but how?) She thought to herself as she didn't have any plans AT ALL, so she currently relies on hitting only central military installations and major populated cities. Which again, can't be done without removing the defense first.

She swipes the phone to unlock and looks at the picture of a structure that resembles a Barbel tower but thinner in radius. Her eyes widen in curiosity as she scans the image to see anything she missed out. She did that for a whole 5 minutes before a certain noise caught her attention.

"Who's there?" She asks loudly but no response, quickly, Leviathan pulls out Shotgun and slowly moves toward the thick bush that she suspects there was someone, or something hiding inside.

"I said, show yourself." LEviathan starts to be annoyed as she aims towards the bush. She can see some movements within it but still waiting for a little longer instead of going gun blazing.

"I give you one last chance, 3 seconds. One..."

Without any more words, someone jumps out of the bush with both hands up in the air.

"Don't kill me please!" The girl pleaded as she looked Leviathan straight into the eyes.

"Who are you? I don't remember meeting a person like you before." Leviathan raised her eyebrow as she kept her gun pointed at the girl.

"At least spare me! I'll do anything!!!" The girl said as intrusive thoughts run into Leviathan's mind, she can use her for multiple 'experiments.'

"Hm. I'll spare you, but."

"I know, I'll do anything." The girl replied. "My name is Johnston, I'll do anything you said."

"Go kill any remaining civilians on this island."

"Wait, I said I'll do anything but not-"

"DO IT OR I'LL RIP YOUR SPINE OFF." Leviathan threatens her, making Johnston flinch as she stands up and walks towards the airbase that was laid in ruin from earlier attack.

"Americans." Leviathan heavy sighs and then goes back to the beach and enjoys the sunbath. Still thinking of what to do in order to make sure that the Philippines falls once and for all.

She looks at the armaments her ship towed onboard and makes a plan to attack in her head multiple times with multiple variants of weapons.

She chose one best plan she made and looked towards the ocean. She wants to make a BBQ party but the problem is, she doesn't know if she can find the sister class ships since she didn't see them when she got transport to this world. She knew that there's more than one ship in the class, but, where are they?

"I'm back." Johnston stood beside her as Leviathan got up and saw that she had little to no blood, indicating that she's doing something suspicious and decided to test out something.

"Did you kill all the people that I left behind?"

"Yes, I did it all." Johnston replied nervously.

"Good, did you see a girl in white hair? Cause I need her." Leviathan test her.

"Oh, I see her run towards the cabin on the other side of the island. Don't worry, I already take care of her."

"Hm... liar~"


"You're lying, that girl was a test for me because she doesn't exist. Now speak, did you kill anyone? Or just disguise yourself?" Leviathan stares into Johnston's eyes.

"Please don't!" Johnston pleaded as she stepped back but fell to her knees.

" Well, you never know me and begging?"

"Of course! We all heard about your actions in Midway and we don't believe it, but seeing you here and the thing you did earlier proves that it's real!!!"

"Stop crying and go kill someone, I need to make dinner." Leviathan says and leaves. Johnson had no choice but to follow what she said.

Leviathan goes back to her V-29 and prepares stuff for short BBQ cooking. She chose to cook a steak with garlic sauce, very simple for people like her.

She then carries all the stuff and puts it on the beach, then sets up as she tries to not think about her intrusive thought of burying herself into the sand.

"No, I can't do that. I must keep my reputation." She resisted herself from burying her body into the sand as she completed the BBQ setup.

She then put the steak into the grill and waited for it to cook. She glanced to the direction where the camp is to see that only one figure that still emitted heat signatures walks around that area, she then realized she forgot to cover it with salt, she quickly grabbed a salt bottle and poured it on the half-cooked steak, her eyes sparkle as she flip it to the other side and see the brown color appear as she finish the cooking with garlic sauce.

After the short BBQ meal, she goes back to her V-29 and searches for something.

"Where is it? Oh, there you are." Leviathan grabs a thick book, in fact, it was a novel. SHe goes back to the spot where she sets up her stuff and sits, then opens the book and starts reading. At the same time Johnston came back.

Johnston notices that Leviathan is reading something, so she decides to peek into what she is reading.

"Hey, what are you reading?" Johnston asked but no response, she looked at the cover to see a weird ring circle, the bright dot of what appeared to be the Sun with the words 'Ringworld' and word 'Larry Niven' which presumed to be the name, separated by a thin white line.

"Uh, hello?" Johnston asked again but no response from Leviathan, she then sat beside her but 5 meters apart. The time passes by as Johnston hears a mumble from Leviathan, such as.

"Even the Sun is artificial? Interesting......"

""Ain't the ISS back in early 2000 was like 400 kilometers away from the planet's surface? But I guess they built the wall that high to prevent any idiots who try to cross it."

"If the reactors powered by the Sun were to stop, what would happen?"

"Can you stop?" Johnston asked out, annoyed.

"What did I say earlier?" Leviathan replied, making Johnston shiver and quietly sit there.

"Good, let me enjoy the reading before I pack everything up for tomorrow." Leviathan said and shifted her attention to the pages in the novel to the evening and closed the book.

She then packed stuff up and ready to go back to her V-29. Johnston wants to ask Leviathan to send her back to Midway since she only has almost half tanks of fuel, but her lips are somehow very heavy. 

She watched as the V-29 slowly took off and headed to the vast, sunset ocean as she stood there, thinking of what to do next As leviathan prepared to stack up her killcount in tomorrow.

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