Twelve: Midnight Rain

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"I broke his heart 'cause he was nice" 

Was Robin's idea crazy? Yes. Do I think it's going to work? Maybe.

The last time we hid outside the storage room after the mall closed, there were two literal armed guards standing at the door. Even if Erica was able to get through the vents and into the room, there's no way she would be able to let us inside if there were people keeping watch. I just hope that it'll all work out, and that no one gets shot.

The four of us ate dinner together before I went back to my room to get ready to leave. Joyce, Johnathan, Will and I. It didn't happen very often.

How does one get ready to break and enter? I've never done anything wrong like that in my entire life. I've never trespassed, never stolen anything and have certainly never broken into something before.

I think Will could tell that I was a little on edge. I could feel his eyes on me the whole time we ate. But it wasn't for the reason he probably thought it was. Instead of worrying about Steve and our argument, I was suddenly faced with the reality that what I was going to do tonight was very illegal.

I didn't contribute much to the conversation, and instead just let Johnathan tell Joyce that he and Nancy were fired from the paper today. I would have been able to be more sympathetic if I wasn't so wrapped up in my own thoughts. I wasn't listening very well because all I really heard was something about rats and how Nancy wanted to write a story about them and they broke into an old lady's house who caught a crazy rat. I'm pretty sure I heard something wrong though. Joyce wasn't very happy about it.

When I was back in my room, I was trying to figure out what to wear. Black clothing was obvious, but maybe it should be comfortable enough to run in, in case we get caught and have to flee the scene.

At this point I wasn't sure if this was such a good idea.

I pulled on a pair of black leggings and a plain black long sleeve, turtle-neck shirt. Black running shoes too just in case. Do I put my hair up, or leave it down? I never wear my hair up, so it could make me more unrecognizable, but at the same time could put my facial features on display. Hair down it is I guess.

It was getting to be close to 9:30 and I needed to leave if I was going to make it for ten. All I take with me is the hair elastic around my wrist. I might change my mind about the hair thing.

I shut my bedroom door behind me and walk down the hall to the front room. Joyce is the only one in the living room.

"Are you headed somewhere?" She asks with a smile.

I nod, trying to seem normal. "Yeah I'm going to Robin's for bit," I answer simply.

"Okay, have fun," Joyce says, taking a sip of her coffee.

I don't say anything more and instead smile and walk out the front door, trying to keep my nervous energy tamed.


Robin told me to go straight to the back of the mall and meet everyone there, so I walk quickly around the building, hugging my arms across my chest, as it was cold out for a summer night and I didn't even think to bring a coat. When I turn the final corner I can see the spot we hid last time, behind a concrete ledge. Except I can only see one head, and it definitely didn't belong to Robin or Dustin.

I thought we were all supposed to meet at the same spot? Robin said nothing about Steve and I being alone for any duration of time. But it's not like I could turn around now because he's seen me. If I left, it would just look like I was scared of him or something.

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