Thirty-Eight: Wonderland

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"We found wonderland, you and I got lost in it, and we pretended it could last forever" 

Nancy's car was very crowded with all of us in there. Nancy was driving, with Robin up front, while Lucas, Max and I sat shoulder to shoulder in the back seat. Dustin and Steve sat munching on what were supposed to be Eddie's snacks in the trunk.

I was sweating being that close to everyone even though my puffer jacket was sleeveless. It was way too warm to be wearing one today, but the collar came up high enough that it covered the few purple marks scattered across my neck. I knew those would get Robin asking questions for sure, so I decided it was best to keep them hidden.

"How on earth are we supposed to tell Eddie everything we've found out about Vecna without completely destroying his hope?" Robin asks out loud to anyone who'll listen.

"It's not going to 'destroy his hope'," Nancy replies, rationally. "We've learned all kinds of stuff about him in the past couple days, and we're only getting closer to figuring out how to take him down."

"Really? Let's give it a trial run, shall we?" Robin says, sinking back into her seat. "Hey Eddie, uh, good news first this time, we've got you some Dustin approved junk food, and that six pack you requested, oh yeah and we found Vecna, only the bad news is he's in that other darker, much scarier dimension that we told you about and the gates closed, so we have no way of getting to him, like he's entirely shut off to us, so basically you're screwed, and now I know, you were already screwed, but now you are like doubly, triply screwed!"

"Uh, maybe we don't put it like that," Lucas suggests, next to me.

"It'll be fine," Nancy says, focusing on the road.

"I just can't stand to see those doll eyes of his break, I really can't," Robin sighs.

"Well at least he can drink himself into feeling better," Steve says, from the behind me.

"That's what my mom does," Max mumbles, catching me off guard.

I twist around in my seat quickly, when I hear rustling in the trunk. I notice Dustin with a sealed bag of chips in his hands right away, and give him a hard look. "Those aren't for you."

He doesn't look away, as he starts slowly pulling on the bag to open it.

"I swear to god Dustin, do not," I say firmly.

His face is blank as he opens the bag fully, taking out a Dorito and popping it in his mouth. I roll my eyes as Steve grabs a handful of chips from Dustin, even though he's already eaten half of the can of Pringles next to him.

"Don't encourage him," I say, this time directing my comment to Steve. I can't say it without smiling. I couldn't not smile at him.

He just shrugs at me, holding up the can of Pringles to offer them to me. I pause before taking them from him. I'd eaten breakfast, but I was still hungry. I take a few chips before passing the can down to Lucas and Max, letting them take a few too.

"Holy shit," Nancy mutters as we pull up to Reefer Rick's house.

I look out the window to see all kinds of police cars, neighbours, paramedics and news vans all over the road and front yard of the house, leaving me with an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

She pulls over, putting the car in park, and unlocks the doors to let us all out. The group of us quickly head over to where the sheriff was speaking to everyone in front of a camera.

"Patrick McKinney was found dead last night by Lover's Lake. Our hearts go out to his family and friends as we continue our search for the cause of these deaths. We'd like to ask the people of Hawkins to keep an eye out for Eddie Munson, as he is a potential suspect we have yet to speak to."

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