Thirty-Two: Everything Has Changed (Feat. Ed Sheeran) (Taylor's Version)

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"All I know since yesterday, is everything has changed" 

We parked across the road from Miss Kelly's house, watching as Max walked up to the front door. She lived in a nice neighbourhood, in a cute little back split house. I hold my breath when I see Miss Kelly open her front door. Her and Max talk for a moment, before she lets her inside.

"Good, she's in," Steve breathes.

"I'm missing collarbones, not eyes Steve," Dustin remarks, reminding me that he is in fact in the car.

I hide my smile, looking out the window next to me on the passenger's side. We sit in silence for what feels like forever. I cross and uncross my feet on the floor in front of me, picking at my nails in my lap. I just wanted Max to come back so it wasn't so awkward. I hated how quiet he was being around me.

"Are you guys okay?" Dustin asks, leaning up to us from the back seat.

"Yeah," Steve and I both answer at the same time. We both said it in a high pitched, obviously not okay, kind of way.

Dustin catches on to our tones, and doesn't look convinced. "Did you have a fight or something? I'm getting the feeling there's something off because there's a lot of weird tension in the car right now."

I shake my head denying anything. "Nothing's off, I'm fine. Completely normal," I say, trying to sound confident.

"Well you don't seem 'fine'," Steve mumbles.

I snap my head in his direction, looking at him properly for the first time today. "Well I am," I say firmly.

I most certainly was not fine, but I wasn't telling him that.

He looks at me in disbelief. "You've hardly spoken two words to me all day. You're obviously on edge," he claims.

"Well you haven't exactly said much to me today either," I argue. "And quite frankly, I'm a little confused."

"You're confused?"

I scoff at him. "It was your idea! And now you're giving me the cold shoulder."

"Only because you're giving me the cold shoulder. And you didn't seem to have a problem with it anyways, so why are we even arguing?" He asks.

Shit. Why couldn't we just be normal about this? It didn't want to fight with him, it was pointless.

"I'm not arguing, you are," I say, shaking my head.

All he does is scoff at me.

"Guys what the hell," Dustin interrupts. I turn in my seat to see that he looks like a disappointed parent or something. "You guys don't fight like this anymore, it's not you. Now I don't know what this is about, but someone needs to apologize to someone, and hug it out because I don't like seeing you like this."

He renders us both silent. It was true, we never fought. I didn't like it either.

"I'm sorry," I sigh.

"Me too, I'm sorry."

We're quiet again for a second before I speak again. "I do think a little clarity would be nice though," I mumble.

"You want clarity?" He echos.

I nod, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Fine. I feel great," he says, firmly. "Like better than I have in a long time, great. And I would like to give things a shot because I think it could work out. But I can't help but feel like you don't agree."

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