Thirty-Six: So It Goes...

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"You know I'm not a bad girl but I do bad things with you"

"I thought you guys forgot about me."

"No, we didn't, it's just been kind of crazy around here lately. We'll go shopping and get you some food to drop off okay?"

I roll over almost smashing my head into the coffee table as I look to see who was talking. Nancy was sitting up on the floor, holding the radio close to her face listening as Eddie talked to her from the other side.

"And would you mind picking up a six pack? I've been kind of stressed out and I think it may help," he asks.

"Yeah, sure okay I'll call you back later," Nancy says, pushing the antenna down, leaving the radio on the floor.

I was still half asleep, when I saw her looking at the empty couch where Max had slept. I watch as Nancy and Dustin run up the stairs looking for her. I had seen Max go upstairs almost an hour ago now. I didn't get much sleep last night. Aside from the fact that I was sleeping on a concrete floor, my mind wouldn't stop racing and so it was difficult for me to relax. I was on edge every waking moment.

We'd all agreed last night that it would be best if we stuck together for the night. After all that shit at the graveyard with Max, we didn't want to let each other out of our sight. We all stayed the night at Nancy's in her basement, scattered across the furniture and floor. We told Nancy's parents we were all a little on edge with the murders and wanted to stay together, and they seemed okay with having an extra six people in the house.

Wearing the same clothes as yesterday, I sit up, pushing the blanket off of me and looking around the room. Dustin, Nancy and Max were already upstairs, Robin and Lucas were both fast asleep, and Steve was already wide awake laying on the floor across the room.

When he sees me awake, he sits up looking at me. He doesn't say anything out loud, as to not wake up Robin or Lucas, but instead cocks his head to the side, using his eyes to motion to the door across the room. I'm pretty sure it was the laundry room.

I squint my eyes at him, confused as to what he wants. He points to the room more obviously. "Go in there," he mouths.

I still didn't really understand the reasoning, but I did as he said anyways. I stand up from the floor, walking over to the laundry room, and turn on the light to look inside. It was just a normal laundry room, nothing special about it. What was it that I was supposed to be looking at?

Just as I turn around to ask him, he's suddenly right behind me, shutting the door on us.

"Hi," he whispers, taking a step towards me.

"Hi," I smile, not being able to say much more before his lips are against mine.

I wasn't sure if I'd ever get used to it, while at the same time it had become so normal now.

Using my waist to push me, he walked me back into the dryer, his mouth never leaving mine, as he did so. My hands found their way into his hair, while his, snuck up the back of my shirt and dragged across my bare back.

It felt like I hadn't been close to him for an eternity, when in reality it was only yesterday morning. It seemed like we were both making up for lost time though.

His tongue slid across mine in a way that it convinced me I would fold for him any day of the week. I was completely at his mercy, and yet, he was also at mine.

Both of us were panting heavily, pressed against each other as close as we could get. He'd really taken the reins on this one, dominating his lips over mine.

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