Nineteen: Getaway Car

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"He poisoned the well, I was lying to myself, I knew it from the first old fashioned we were cursed, we never had a shotgun shot in the dark" 

We had a plan. And a pretty solid one too.

Dustin, Steve, Robin, Erica and I were going to be heading to Dustin's radio tower to navigate, Hopper, Murray and Joyce were going into the Russian base to blow up the machine that was trying to open the gate, and Johnathan, Will, Nancy, Mike, Lucas, Max and El were all going to hide out at Murray's house in Illinois.

The only thing I didn't like about it, was that Joyce was going down into the base we just spent so long trying to escape.

"I'll be back before you know it," she says, looking between Will, Johnathan and I.

But she didn't know that for sure. They were ruthless down there. I'm surprised we made it out alive.

"Just be careful because they might be a little more on edge now that we've escaped," I explain. "We were able to get into the control room fairly easily but it wasn't long before they figured out we were there and—,"

"Lauren," Joyce smiles, grabbing my shoulders. "It'll be okay, I promise."

I nod, pulling her in for a hug. I don't think I've ever hugged my family members more than I have today.

I pull away giving her a strong smile. Joyce Byers was a badass. I'm sure it'll be fine.

"You ready to go?"

I turn to see Steve waiting patiently behind me.

I nod to him, before looking back to Joyce.

"See you later," she smiles.

"See you later."


Hopper hands Steve the keys to the car they had apparently stolen from a guy at a gas station on their way back to Hawkins. "It's right out front you can't miss it," he says.

Steve nods, taking the keys from him. The five of us head for the mall's exit.

It was a good plan, I had to keep reminding myself. But I know I had an easy part. It's Joyce, Hopper and Murray that are going to be doing most of the work. I knew there was no way they were going to let any of us go with them. Sometimes adults were so stubborn.

We step outside into the cool night air, and I can honestly say I've never loved the outdoors more. We were finally out of that stupid mall. After this is all over, I don't think I'll ever want to go back.

"Todfather?" Robin reads, looking at the license plate of the yellow Cadillac convertible we were to be using.

"Screw Tod, Steve's her daddy now," Steve says, practically drooling over the car he was about to drive.

"Did you just talk about yourself in the third person?" Robin asks, opening the door to the back seat, letting Dustin and Erica in first before sitting down.

"Did he just call himself daddy?" Erica chirps.

I can't keep my laugh in, as I sit down in the passenger seat.

Steve doesn't seem to care though, he looks like a kid in a candy store as he sits down in front of the wheel.

"C'mon we don't have much time," Dustin says, trying to hurry things along.

"Okay, okay," Steve says, starting the engine and driving us out of the parking lot.


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